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? asked in Food & DrinkBeer, Wine & Spirits · 3 weeks ago

Is it safe or OK to drink beer and smoke marijuana after having the Covid shots?

I’m getting my Covid shot this Friday. After I get my shot, what if I’m at a party with my friends and they’re all drinking and smoking weed there? Would it be safe to use drugs and drink after taking the Covid shot? Or would that maybe kill me or do something bad?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    Weed is definitely safe. I smoked plenty after I got my shot. I’m not sure about alcohol though. You should ask the nurse that gives you the shot. You may not want to go to any parties though. You may have some temporary side effects. About 8 hours after I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, I had a sore arm, mild headache (went away with ibuprofen), fatigue, and I felt kind of dizzy and disoriented, like it was hard to focus my eyes. I definitely would not have wanted to party or drink. Everyone is different though. I felt fine the next day. You should also know that it takes a couple weeks to give you any protection from covid. Going to a party is not a great idea. 

  • 3 weeks ago

    I think the issue would be the party, not the narcotics.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    What's the point of having Covid shots if engaging in potentially dangerous behavior 

    with losers? Are you old enough to drink? Is marijuana legal for non-medical reasons?

  • kswck2
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    The use of drugs is NEVER a good idea.

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