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How long should it take to order parts?

I had my truck at a Meineke shop for a minor problem last Fri and they told me they needed to order a part.  I went in and gave them a $90 deposit for the part and they said it would be in on Mon.  Monday came and went with no phone call from Meineke.  I called yesterday to check status and the girl said that the part should be in later that day and she would call me.  Again, no phone call.  Today I just called and they guy said that the part still hasn't come in but he was going to check.  Well, the girl said the same thing yesterday.  How long do you give a repair shop to order and get the parts before you request a refund?


@ Jim

We're not talking about a major part that has to come from China.  We're talking about a part that has to be driven from across town from a parts store.  Again, this was Fri and they said the part would be in on Monday.  It's now Wed and they seem to have no idea when the part will be in although I've already given them a deposit on the part.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    They are giving you a b.s. story. 

    Why do you neglect to identify your car for us? 

    And why do you refer cryptically to "a part"? 

    WHICH part? 

    Do you know?? 

    Just go in person tomorrow and take your car.  Make sure to get your "deposit" back. 

    Take the car to a real repair shop.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    We live in the time of Covid.  You get it when you get it.  Be patient.  But I will give them a month max.

    If you need your truck really bad, order the part from any big chain car parts store and get your truck fixed at another garage.

  • Since Dementia Donnie fvcked up the US Mail, the answer is " WHO KNOWS?"

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 weeks ago

    we regularly wait 5 or 6 weeks for some parts the joys of a multi national world where everything is made in some cheap labour country.

    What you want the mechanic to do about it he cant make it come any quicker.

    Not today not tomorrow maybe the next day is a common phrase around here.

    If you pay enough money they will send someone to go and pick the part up or move your truck up the cue to work on it. 

    Ring them find out where the part is go pick it up take it to them wait while they put it on is how some people hurry us up.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    The virus has disrupted global supply lines in all aspects of the economy. If this part is one that has been impacted, there is no telling how long it will take. There are no longer any norms or should be's at this point with many parts. Whether it is for your care or your home heating system. Very unpredictable,  costs of those items that have been impacted have sky rocketed also, it's nuts.

  • 4 weeks ago

    These are not normal times.   How long it should take and how long it actually does is quite different.  Many business have gone under.  Many are working with skeleton crew.  Maybe your part was stuck in the Suez canal.  

    I am waiting on ink for my printer.  Out fora week now

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