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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsRespiratory Diseases · 3 weeks ago

I've been smoking cigarettes for 27 years how do I stop?

I tried medicine patches and gum but I keep smoking even through those cessation aides.  I quit for a while in the past but that was partly because I was in the hospital and unable to smoke on premises.  I was successful at quitting four years once cold turkey but have been smoking again for two and a half years now.  I'm starting to have heart and lung problem but am addicted and have no self control.  I have always known how stupid it is but I got addicted to somebody s second hand smoke and had trouble getting away from the abuser then I think it's psychological and started to smoke.  I struggle with the fact I have gone against God and defiled the temple.  I have prayed over and over but am not making progress.  Should I get therapy... what can I do...

4 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    When your tired of smoke in your home car/truck on your skin in your hair discoloring your teeth and the smell is nasty and your breath smells of a ash tray and you are killing your family or pets you will find the will to put these sticks down for good..... MEANWHILE********************** Keep your self busy go swimming, play golf, baseball, basket ball, take a walk in the parks, go to a movie, or mall, play cards, go fishing, do whatever you like to keep your mind active and off NICOTINE!!!!! When the trigger strikes it's time for a smoke grab a hard candy instead and say nope don't want don't need and do it leave it alone, DO however leave the cigs at home other wise you will strike one up,,,,,,,,, because you know you have them ready......

    Heres another way smoke a cig at morning when wake up DO NOT HAVE ANOTHER FOR 2 HOURS AND STICK TO THIS.............

    If you can work 2 1/2 hours without a smoke then get a 10-15 minute break then smoke one maybe 2 ,, you are able to go 2 hours without one!! Now try 4 hours so on and so on then bump this to 6 hrs then 8 hours soon you wont want one at all and folks who do smoke will start to bother you  as in the smell nothing more(not a person just the smell of stale smoke on body and hair) once you are over the smoking factor you will be able to tell who smokes.

    Iam an X smoker did this habit for 37 1/2 years and said iam done and put them down and have NOT even wanted to pick this habit up again!! Been close to 10 yrs.

    Good luck and I wish you well!

    Source(s): X smoker
  • 3 weeks ago

    Try vaping. I was a ½ pk a day smoker for decades and got off it by vaping. Sure, it's still nicotine and vaping is not a healthy habit, but it's a damned sight better than cigarettes.

  • Jesus
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago

    I've been smoking just as long I decided that I'm tired of putting smoke inside my body and I went and I got some nicotine pouches they taste like skoal or they have them in citrus flavor and they have them up to 8 mg per pouch they're less than $5. One pack will last you a week.

    Don't smoke instead put one of them in your mouth.

    Your body will quickly adapt to getting its nicotine without the smoke. You won't have nicotine cravings but you'll still be getting your nicotine.

    After a couple of weeks you can drop down to the less powerful nicotine pouches.

    Until you no longer need them at all

  • ?
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago

    Just reduce it and gradually u will stop this habit 

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