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? asked in PetsDogs · 3 weeks ago

My dogs bark too much at all these cats who fight outside, any ideas ?

I just want some quiet and you'd think the dogs would understand that these dumb cats dont care if they are barked at these stupid cats keep fighting too. 

I dont have the heart to get rid of these cats who stay outside.

I'd also love to let my dogs out to chaee them but I've only got a fenced backyard. 


If the cats are dumb enough to go to the back, they get chased out. 

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 weeks ago

    Cats aren't stupid it's your dogs that are stupid barking at the cats that don't care that they're there and your fault for letting them bark. Either get rid of the dogs or close the curtains and don't let them look out at the cats and put the TV on to block out the fighting. Dogs can't hear it- they won't be able to bark at them. 

  • 3 weeks ago

    The dog will continue bark until you do something about the cats.

  • 3 weeks ago

    The problem is the dog.

    Get rid of it 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Dogs tend to be either or both territorial and/or prey-driven.  The dogs can be barking for one or BOTH reasons; per the cats.  Simplest solution is to remove the cats and take them to the NO KILL SHELTER or cat rescue of YOUR choice or have them removed by Animal Control.  

    AC has very few adoptable pets and they are likely to be fully vetted, fixed & adopted out to good homes so there is no GOOD or SANE reason not to help them "move on" and better their lives, versus the possibility of getting hit by a car or attacked by some loose dog or coyote, etc.

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