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Lv 7
asked in Business & FinanceInvesting · 3 weeks ago

has the stock market lately been as rigged as the 2020 election?

why agree or not?


why this is allowed?

5 Answers

  • RICK
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Stock market is rigged

    2020 Elsction was not

  • jehen
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Yes and no.  The stock market has always been 'rigged' in that it is legalized gambling where the house (exchanges and brokerages) always win.  The daily price of any given stock is not determined by value, profits, potential or even the hive mind of those in the know.  I tis determine by what all the gamblers think all the other gamblers are going to do based on the latest news or insider trading rumors.  But no not rigged in that over the long term, the value of a stock reflects the value of the business.  One thing that is different about the last 20 years or so that may not be a rigging, but is most definitely an artificial pressure making the price of stocks rise that is akin to a ponzi scheme.  There is more money than ever in the hands of the investor class and there is no place else to put it - nothing else brings as good a return.  So wealth is poured into stocks and mutual funds, inflating the price well beyond historical earnings value ratios.  At some point someone is going to be left holding the bag.

    As for the election - nothing rigged about at all (except for gerrymandering and voter suppression by GOP legislatures that they are doubling down on because they aren't getting the results they want) 

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    All you heard for Trump fans on this forum was "look at the market, libtard" funny, all you hear from them now is crickets chirping. 

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago


    democrats rigged it to go up.

    shame on them

  • No, but small and medium cap stocks have been utterly slapped to schit. Only big name libtard corporations which get all the stimulus have been thriving. 

    @Anonymous talking about how Trump supporters said "look at the market"

    You mean the market that crashed 2 months into Biden's admin, that still hasn't recovered fully yet after over a month of floundering? 

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