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? asked in SportsFootball (American) · 4 weeks ago

What quarterbacks do you think will have the best careers in this year's draft?

I'm talking even the quarterbacks that have alot of skill, just expected to sit and learn also, especially under the right circumstances, in a good situation.

I believe Wilson, and Lawrence will be the best of this year's class. 

Fields will be average imo, not bad though.

QBs that I think will bee good, given time and they fall into the right situation. Trask, Lance, and Jones.

Just curious. And if you want throw in a team that'd be good fits for the ones that need time.

2 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    Lawrence is overrated and going to a terrible situation. He might be a decent QB if he was going to a decent team but could turn into a bust with jx. 

    Wilson- going to a worse situation with the Jets but he is the best QB in the draft and more prepared than most of these guys. I think he finds a way to have a great career. 

    Jones- He's basically Stafford with less talent. I wouldn't take him before the 6th round. 

    Lance- He has some natural talent but is pretty raw. His throwing motion is awkward. He reminds me of Tebow but maybe he's young enough and athletic enough to overcome his flaws. 

    Fields- I don't see that he's any different from Haskins or Pryor. 

    So, I think Wilson has the best chance. Lawrence could be good but I don't see him being great. Lance could be great in the right situation. The rest are trash. Feel free to save this post and find me on whatever forum I'm on in 5 years. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    My opinion on this has not changed since 2017. Justin Fields and Trevor Lawrence are the best quarterbacks in the NFL Draft. Zach Wilson is going to end up as the next Mitch Trubisky. The real wild card in this draft is Trey Lance. If he ends up in the right situation, he could be the next Patrick Mahomes.

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