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Stomach pain and cramps? ?

I'm having this cramping pain from pas 2 to 3 days but I'm not feeling any vomiting and even I'm not having loose motion but my stomach is hurting like someone is twisting it. What it is actually please help Cuz I'm out of cash right now so I can't go to doctor that's why I'm asking. Everytime I eat it starts to hurt really bad. I'm a guy 

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    This is exactly the problem in this country- that people don't have access to health care if they don't have money. Your pains could be nothing, or they could be a sign of something serious. Go to an emergency room. They'll bill you, but you can work out an arrangement to pay over time. And next time, vote for the people who will work to give access to health care to everyone!

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