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Can I trust my cardiologist's trust in Bayer?

My cardiologist seems like a nice man but he's putting me on blood-thinning pills for 4 weeks before zapping me with a defibrillator to try to eradicate my recently diagnosed AF (atrial fibrillation). 

Can I be sure these blood-thinners, called Xarelto (aka rivaroxaban), won't cause permanent damage to my heart, requiring me to be on medications and become yet another contributor to pharmaceutical companies' wealth for the rest of my life? Am I being paranoid? He says I need to take the pills for 4 weeks to prevent a stroke caused by blood clots forming in my heart and being released by the defib procedure. That sounds reasonable but with all the disinformation being circulated lately around the covid "vaccines" I don't have a lot of faith in the pharmaceutical companies or their products.

Anyone else gone down this treatment route for AF and had success?

I obviously have a problem, when I do a gym workout now I get shortness of breath and head-spins, so I need to do something. I guess I'll ask Jesus to protect me and and go ahead and follow my cardy's instructions. Sometimes you just have to put your faith in a human as well as the Son of Man as he liked to call himself. What's the worst that can happen, no one lives forever and my 74th birthday's coming up soon.

Btw, check out the new series called "The Chosen" that you can find online via google etc. It's awesomely life-changing and a big comfort when you discover you’re not going to outlive everyone around you    : )

1 Answer

  • Those so called "blood thinners" do not actually make your blood thinner.  What they do do is to have an affect on various clouting factors which inhibits clot formation.  When you cease to take them, the affects are no longer present. 

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