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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureRoyalty · 3 weeks ago

Why is it QUEEN Elizabeth but PRINCE Phillip...?

I honestly had no idea her husband was still alive because I thought he would be called KING... So why is he not...? 

(I know nothing about royalty...) 

62 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    By history and tradition, a King is considered to be superior to a Queen.  Therefore, a reigning King may have a Queen.  If the Queen is the monarch, as is the case here, her husband cannot be a King, because then he would appear to outrank her.  Therefore, they made him a Prince.  Interestingly, although Elizabeth was a princess when they married in 1947, and she became Queen in 1952, Charles was not given the title of "Prince" until 1957.

  • Huh?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    The Queen is the monarch so gets the top title. Stavros was married to the monarch but male and not in the line of succession, so got the honorific title one rank below his wife's.

    Assuming Charles becomes King, Camilla will become Queen as she is the wife of the title holder so is given the equivalent-ranked title, much as, for example, the wife of a Duke automatically becomes a Duchess.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    He is not King of anything because he is not the eldest child of a monarch of anything. In fact, before they got married, he had to give up his foreign titles; he got busted down to a Mr. for a short while, before she started giving him titles.

  • 3 weeks ago

    If a Queen gets married her husband can not be a king, But when her grandson becomes king his wife will become Queen, Prince Philip got hit title way back because he came from Grease and he died at the age of 99 too.  

  • 3 weeks ago

    Because he didn't reign and wasn't in any line of succession.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    The royals don't have much power nowadays. They're basically ambassadors. I don't know the answer to the q but I read quite a few answers here. Aside f/ being confusing, it sounds pretty sexist to me. 

  • 3 weeks ago

    Prince Philip does not have the title "King" because the Queen did not ask Parliament for the title in respect of Queen Victoria's wishes. Victoria wanted the title King for her husband Prince Albert but this was denied even though there was precedent. Queen Victoria's predecessors as Queen (regnant ) were Queen Anne, whose husband was a Grand Duke and therefore the same rank as a King; Queen Mary II who insisted her husband not only be King but King regnant and this was agreed with him becoming King William III; Queen Elizabeth I who didn't marry so the situation didn't arise; Queen Mary I who had her husband Philip crowned King; Queen Jane whose husband, Guilford Dudley had the title King. Mary of Scotland, the mother of James I/VI gave the title "King" to her husband, Lord Darnley.

    Philip could have had the title King (consort) but the Queen didn't ask for it because Victoria, after Parliament snubbed her request for Albert, asked that if any of her descendants became Queen, they would not ask for the title for their husbands.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    You know nothing about royalty but you still care about royalty? Ever heard of independent thought?

  • oubaas
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    The wife of a king is a queen, the husband of a queen can't be a king (she must have a higher ranking, otherwise he could rule instead of her)

  • 3 weeks ago

    Princess Di is still alive and working in the USA. Her boyfriend is probably from the East Coast Establishment.

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