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? asked in SportsFootballEnglish Football · 3 weeks ago

Is it too late to be a professional footballer at 19?

I'm 19 years old have and had a  massive love for the beautiful game. I was in an academy until the age of 9/10 but didn't like football then was just made to by parents but loved football as a teenager and won some cups but school level and think of myself as a good football player. I haven't been in an academy of football association since 9, was intimidated if I would disappoint or just social anxiety of joining one as a teen but would love to join one. Is it too late at 19 to make it or at least join a football association whether its low level? I am inspired by Jamie Vardy but knowing how many players get dropped blights things. My question is can I if I want to have a chance of becoming a pro too late and how, is it still possible?

4 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    Plenty of time; some PL players were discovered in lower league clubs. You can ask for a trial at any local club. Nothing comes easy; you will have to be determined/work hard to improve.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    No, you have at least 3 years before you give up hopes of professional. 

  • yeah wb @SS, just as the site is closing lol, Don't mind him he just got to rap the trap,  anyway bro, i guess that answer is it's entirely dependant on you and what "you" know you can do, and if you have the determination to want to do it, at 19 although still young, you are at a disadvantage in terms of other people's perspective, some players start loving the game at 3 years or less, but it's far from too late you just need to somehow persuade someone to give you a chance, yes at a lower level, and then prove by your application attitude, and above all ability on the pitch, that you can really play, and hopefully reach higher levels, just don't let your aspirations cloud your realizations....anyway gl kid..

    Football one game ONE name

    @Slim Shady

    This is for you, this is someone who i knew well, his name is Charlie Xavier, the other guy is called Martin (mad professor) and he's not the only one as well..i'm not it's biggest fan but if you ask me rap has gone downhill big time, i only listen to oldskool when i do listen

  • 3 weeks ago

    It's too late now b*tch

    You never gonna get rich

    You ain't no Shady

    You ain't got a lady

    I live on caviar

    You live on gravy

    Shady ain't like you

    Shady ain't lazy

    Shady be getting p*say all night til six

    This Andre fool gotta pay a b*tch to suck his d*ck

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