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Can you get a home address from am IP address in Facebook messenger?

I'm worried about a hacked account, using Facebook messenger messages to pull an IP address, if that happened can they pull an actual home address?

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    not from an IP. but if they were using GPS, then yes.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    No you can not only the Police and the Facebook Admins can find out where a IP address Address Is All you would be able to Figure out is the ISP Internet Service Provider and the City and State you wont be able to get a Specific Address 

  • 3 weeks ago

    My IP address shows me in a city about 30 miles away. Your IP address is tied to an ISP account.  the only way to get your home address is to hack into teh ISP and find that account listing.  chances of doing this?  Pretty low.  So,  No, they cannot get your home address from your IP.  Now, that said, if the hacked account is YOUR account and you have your address posted somewhere in your Messenger posts to others, then yes, they can get the address there.  BUT again, that is only if they hack into YOUR account.  

  • 3 weeks ago

    No normal person can, only a rough area - possibly not even the correct city.

    However the police (or law enforcement in general) can use the IP address to get the account information from whichever service provider that IP is allocated to, and locate the owner.

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