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Are southern europeans. White?

They don't look white They look arab.their skin brown,hair dark and eyes brown they dont look like anglo saxons also is east africans black?

10 Answers

  • Mark
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Of course they are.  You seem to be obsessed with race.  Why is that?

  • 3 weeks ago

    Yes they are. They are mixed definitely, but if you go to Spain, Portugal or Italy, it’s no Eastern Europe. That’s how you can tell they are white, because they are capable of building such societies. The governments are poor and corrupt (thanks to history), but the people are well off

    TL;DR Yes they are white

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    The overwhelming majority of the Italians look like any other white European. Only certain regions like Sicily have significant Arab mixture. This is the current Italian prime minister Mario Dragi. What do you think?

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Maybe only certain ones are white because almost every person has a different appearance from others.

  • Magui
    Lv 6
    3 weeks ago

    Southern Europeans have always been considered "white", as far as I know. They are not black or yellow or red or brown.

    They don't have brown skin, unless they are tanned and became sort of caramelish/brownish tone. There some people who are lighter and other who are darker. Brown hair and brown eyes are the most common in Europe.

    Why would Southern Europeans have to look like Anglo-Saxons? Those were people from Northern Germany who invaded the part of the British Isles then named England.

    Also Arabs are from Arabian Peninsula which is quite distant from Southern Europe and usually people from Southern Europe don't look like from that part of the world.

    The Horn of Africa got some ancient migration from West Asia back in Neolithic. The same happened in Europe which also got the same ancient migration of Neolithic farmers.

    I hope I helped because you seem really confused.

  • 3 weeks ago

    They belong to one of the subspecies of man known as Homo sapiens dermaolivia mediterraneanius (aka mediterraneanoids/oliveskins)...

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Spaniards were the first people to call themselves White.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Christopher Columbus was Italian.

  • Zirp
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago

    Most of them have that skincolour, yes

    why are you abusing the full-stop?

  • 3 weeks ago

    The modern day ones? Well yeah... Probably because they aren't white european and are Turkish and Arabian mixed. Which are neighboring communities. And have been moxing and diverse for a while. I think the natives with 100 percent european genes would probably look the same with colored eyes and hair just tanner. Ive seen some old history paintings and remember thinking. Thats not at all how i pictured them. 

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