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Do people still steal car radios, I'm carious?

I remember growing up, that was like a popular thing. The thing is, I just bought a new car. Or new used car. The radio was working a week ago but now it just wants me to reset. I watched a video on how to reset. The dude speaking in Spanish had the whole deck removed to reset it. If I'm going to remove the deck, then I minus well buy a new one but I don't want people trying to steal my new deck. That's why I want to know if there are still people trying to steal car radios?

11 Answers

  • Rita
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    Yes they do, depending on the area. Although it can still happen anywhere, just less likely in the suburbs and all that. I've had an aftermarket radio for about 6 years. I've never had it stolen and I've probably only taken the face plate off a couple times.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    They are often useless once removed if you don’t have the security code, so I suppose people know this and won’t risk even a tenner.

    But as others say, drug addicts will steal anything for a few pounds towards a fix.

    I used to keep change for car parks etc in the car in view, just maybe £3-4  until I was told that is the favourite thing , straight cash, a few pounds here and there builds up.

  • 3 weeks ago

    That was BABY stuff! Now thy steal AIR BAGS< and CATALYTIC CONVERTERS! They are worth more! The thieves have GRADUATED!IN DETROIT< the high schools give LESSONS on HOW to do this successfully!  I lost SIX CARS to auto theft and the police did NOTHING ! One was recovered and then stolen AGAIN! YE GODS! I even had one car stolen directly from a repair shop I WANTED TO KILL THEM! They were a COVER UP stripping places

  • 3 weeks ago

    There is little difference in installing a new stereo or resetting the one you have, as far as attention you don't want to attract is concerned. Fix and enjoy what you have for a while. There may have been some power interruption causing the stereo to need a reset. Solve that problem or it doesn't matter how many new stereos you install, the problem will keep happening.

    ***************************************************************As long as thieves have hands, they will continue to steal things. Just don't make it easy for them.


    Many years ago, when tape players were novel, a company made a fake cassette/cartridge that had a facade that looked like a cheap AM radio. Those were left alone.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 weeks ago

    Yes, a lot of car audio equipment in vehicles are stolen. I'd recommend not to be blasting a "Subwoofer" in your neighborhood. You can do it in another neighborhood but don't do it in a neighborhood of where you live. That tells your neighbors of what you have inside your car. Keep expensive vehicles over $50,000 parked inside the garage. Don't keep it outside on the driveway showing it off to your neighbors.

    If you live in a gated community, do the same thing of what I've said.

  • 3 weeks ago

    Im carious why you have stupid puns

  • 3 weeks ago

    Drug addicts will break out your windows for loose change so yes they will steal ANYTHING they think they can sell for drugs

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    They are dirt cheap now so there is not much money to be made stealing them.  And most have detachable faces that one can remove so it will not be stolen.

  • 3 weeks ago

    They used to be stolen when they were a rarity and therefore valuable to those who didn't have one.  Now virtually everyone has one and there's no market for a stolen radio. Besides, they're not simple to remove as used to be the case.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Car stereos have come way down in price over the years. No need to steal them anymore. 

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