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Lv 4
? asked in Computers & InternetInternetFacebook · 3 weeks ago

Is there any way to get an account removed for fraud on Facebook? Besides report since FB doesn't care clearly about illegal activity. ?

My account was hacked and they're running a fraudulent fundraiser and actually getting money.

I cannot get back in the account and just want it shut down. This is illegal. We've reported so many times and Facebook won't do anything.  Is there some magic trick to this?!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago


  • 2 weeks ago

    Go to their house and make a threat. Perfect way to get a post taken down 

    Source(s): Martin
  • 2 weeks ago

    well actually might can do something. if your account was hacked . you can still re make another account with your name and last name but you have to change your password hard one so  next time you use your facebook again you want to go to your settings and change your profile on private include your informations about you and you also choice that you dont need to share  where your live and what school, jobs o whatever you dont want to share on facebook and you should always be care fully not to add and accept unwanted strangers on your facebook list. to be your new friends and also make sure you dont click 'Like" on any body comments posts doesnt matter if its a interesting site they selling or showing on there. that why your account had been hacked by scammers .there no rules about how many facebook accounts you can and cant make .depending on if you can take care of your own stuffs . you shouldnt also trust anybody when you become friends with the people .because these days people can spy on you or get in trouble from dumb things . anyhow there no way to removed your account expect delete your whole account or re make new one. as for the answer you said that facebook doesnt care ! well you are wrong about that. they always listening their users 24 .7 hours and they do tried help maybe you must did something or said some thing wrong that made them not to help you right away. take time to help one person if there thousand of other people who also have problems on their facebooks. plus face book never ask money from their fb users only if you had made own fundraiser page and invited alot of your friends to it. there that reason you keep reporting them they must had got mad or thinking you are being annoying and keep harrassing them non stop. you keep doing that they will suspending you and take your account away by deleted it and wont able sign up or log back on there. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    you call the police. Facebook is a US website, and is subject to US law.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Other then Reporting there is not much you can do if Facebook Refuses to take Action Against it then there is nothing you can do to get it taken down 

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 weeks ago

    Facebook simply doesn't care. 

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