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When you first saw Pat Tuesday get falsely arrested by her boss, what did it remind u of? That reminded me of Erica Davidson & her niece.?

1 Answer

  • 3 weeks ago

    If anyone does ask why, it's because the familiar message that was coveyed in both that "Mathnet" ep. from 1991 that seventeenth ep. of "Cell Block H" from 1979 is that if anyone is your law agency boss or if one's family member is either a cop, a jailer, or a jail superintendent, that does not give them the right to convey any drat special treatment to that person whether she's truly grounded in legal terms or that person is an honest cop who finds him or herself falsely accused. That's the message there. No special treatment in either situation (well, hypothetically) and I'm darn right about that.

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