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what do i do if one of my airpods (bought around 2017 & built like normal apple headphones just no string thing) is at a lower volume?

my left airpod works amazingly but the right one doesn't work well at all. i already tried that blue tack .. blue tac ... blu tac .... that blue stuff you use for posters? yeah i already tried that & i got the gunk out ............... don't look at me like that. anyways i got that out & it still won't work. am i gonna have to download fetch rewards & buy some that way or can you smart tech people help me? bing is not what it thinks it is. my airpods literally sound like those 8D audios but it's stuck with the 8D on side *crying cat emoji*. if someone can help me i will give you a slowmo video of my dog declan at age 4 months. he is a great pyrnees & is cute. this is a one in a lifetime offer. please help me. okay thanks. bye. no you hang up...... no come on. you hang up! I SAID YOU SHOULD HAN-

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