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The stock market is four years overdue for a crash. The housing market bubble is also overdue. Would it be wise to invest right now?

We're in brand new territory which has never been seen before. The stock market historically crashes every 5-8 years. Right now we are at about 12 years without a crash. So far we have only seen minor CORRECTIONS along the way but no crash. Would you feel safe investing in this market right now with stock prices being so high?

4 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    You are attempting to time the market, something that is notoriously difficult and fails often enough that most investors believe it is unwise.

    I never feel investing is stocks is totally safe and I am always prepared for market downturns. 

    There are ways to hedge investments, but they generally cost money. If you are too concerned you can still invest but spend the extra money to hedge your investments.

  • R R
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago

    Well, they said that in 1995 and it took until 1999, then they said it in 2004 and it took until 2008, then we just had a recession in 2020 and we are in 2021, we have a LONG time for the next crash.  The correction this time already happened.

    It looks to me like you are willing to learn a bit more about Financial and Life advise in general.  A good place to start is simply YouTube.  There is a guy in YouTube called Professor Choy.  He has two playlists, one is called Simple Steps for a Better Financial Future and the other is called Investing for Beginners.  His videos are short and full of useful information.  Good luck!

  • 3 weeks ago

    Every time a Democrat gets elected president, Republicans predict a huge crash and recession.  But the fact is, every Democratic president since FDR has inherited a recession from his Republican predecessor.  And the economy gets better, not worse.

    If you look at a chart of yearly growth of the economy, you'll see Dems have done better with the economy than Repubs for at least a century.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    25% invested, 75% cashed out. That's my position. Investments mostly hedges, contrarian funds and precious metals. 

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