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Anonymous asked in Business & FinanceInvesting · 3 weeks ago

are politicians determined to destroy the US dollar? if so, what that will mean for those  who have savings in US dollars?



5 Answers

  • Amy
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    They aren't determined so much as don't care if that happens as a side effect of all their spending.

    What would happen is that cash savings and bonds (including the government's debt) become worthless and debts also go to zero. Dollar-denominated stocks would probably just trade in a different currency, but their value would depend on how the company's customers are affected.

    Realistically, we're going to see high inflation but not complete worthlessness of the dollar unless something like a nuclear war destroys US productivity.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Not politicians.  Just one - politician.  Biden.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    No change, unless you buy something that is imported.

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    No, not likely.  Politicians are Rich, they are not at all going to give up their wealth. However, the Socialist/Communists don't care. Either way they will have POWER.

    Which is better than just being rich.

    Which brings of the Scam and The selling point of precious metals.

    Precious Metals will be near valueless in a complete world wide collapse.

    But in a local failure, if the holder can find a buyer PM might have some value.  Although I think ammunition reloading components might have more value.

    The Government is running out of Ca$h money, they have taken to find excuses to raid Safe Deposit Boxes to confiscate valuables, as in Civil Forfeiture.  Prove your lock box valuables were not gained by criminal activities.

  • 3 weeks ago

    How so?  If you believe that big trade deficits over decades will eventually destroy the dollar, I agree with you.  Free trade kills.  Capitalism can't be saved.  It's time for socialism.

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