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Anonymous asked in TravelAsia PacificKorea · 3 weeks ago

Are Koreans (who live in Seoul) used to foreigners?

I want to visit Korea in 2 years time and I’m just wondering are they used to foreigners? 

 many foreign people  have been visiting Korea lately (Seoul) so I assume they would be used to seeing us? I’m asking because I want to avoid being stared at there because I have darker skin and people are usually curious 🤣 

So I’m assuming if they would be used to it by now. 

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Rules of politeness pretty much prohibits staring at people. That doesn't mean they wouldn't be curious. They are also very eager to learn English, and the young people especially are likely to try to start conversations with anyone they perceive to be speakers of English. They will be curious, but you shouldn't infer racism from that. Their images of black people are mostly formed from watching basketball, and American movies. 

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