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Should I stay with him even though he's doing all of this to me? 😪?

I'm 25 years old and i've been dating my baby's father for 2 years now. before I got pregnant, he had told me he an 2 month old already. He had no house, no car, and no job. (yes I know I was desperate). 3 months later into the relationship, I found out I was pregnant with my 1st child. after that, he started cheating on me with his 1st baby mom and other women as well. (His 1st baby mama told me she didn't know that he was with me. She even sent me screenshots asking our babys father why didn't he tell her) which I actually still didn't believe her so I called her a liar. Then She said, "Since you want to keep playing games, i'm going to continue sleeping with him again. My reply was, "That's y'all business". 2 years later, Now im pregnant again and He's STILL cheating on me with other women. (not with his babys mom tho because she put a PPO on him for abusing her in front of their kid). He doesn't pay any us child support, he never keeps money, I have to ask my sister to babysit, and for cash for all 3 of us. (His child, my daughter and myself) most times he's not even at the house. I found out not to long ago that he spent a night out with his 1ST BABY MAMA AND THEIR CHILD WHILE I WAS AT THE HOUSE PREGNANT WITH OUR SON smh. I feel so bad. I cheated with him while his 1st baby mom was pregnant, now he's cheating on me too. I don't know what to do. Should I stay with him even though he's doing all of this to me? 😪

12 Answers

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    No, you shouldn't stay with him. You should try to obtain sole legal custody of the child and a child support order. Either that or try to strip him of his parental rights if you don't need child support. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    You need a reality check -

    He is "doing" nothing to you...

    YOU ARE DOING THISTV YOURSELF by CHOOSING to align yourself with a self absorbed unsupportive idiot baby daddy.

    You can't get out of your own way! And now another baby? GOOD GRIEF! It does not sound like you can manage to think about your future andthat of your childrens.

    Time to seek therapy to find out why your self esteem is in the gutter as you allow that idiot to use you for a biological support system for a vagina.  Ewww, go get listed for a STD!

  • 2 weeks ago

    What is there to stay for? You're obviously miserable, and he obviously has no intention of changing. How can all this chaos be good for you or your baby?

  • 3 weeks ago

    The answer is yes, now go in the kitchen and get him a beer...

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Should you STAY with him?? 

    Do you want number three?? 

    His name should be mister intercourse or mister baby daddy or mister irresponsible!

  • So 3 months into dating a total loser, you get knocked up with his kid.  Seems like you two are a great match.

  • T J
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Abortion, adoption?  You put yourself in some bad future for yourself and your child if you have it. How will you life, no money. This bum will never pay child support.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 weeks ago

    what’s the point in having him around if he’s going to be a deadbeat? better find someone else

  • 3 weeks ago

    You must do what is in the best interests of the children. Obviously one wonders why on earth you have stayed with him, got pregnant with him and kept having unprotected sex with him - that's your choice, of course. What sort of role model will he be for your children? And what sort of example do you wish to be as a partner? At the moment you are giving him what he wants when he wants it no matter what the consequences. He sees no reason to change, so he won't.

    You have some serious life decisions to make for you and your children.

    Good Luck!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    I got down to “desperate” and quit reading. were stupid.  And until people start using common sense they will continue to have these kind of lives.  

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