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Lv 5
Finch asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 2 weeks ago

Had Covid not happened, would Trump have gotten reelected?

Did Covid ruin his chances or was he doomed no matter what?

15 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    I believe he would have. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    I think Covid could have  still  happened,  and had he handled it WELL,  like an adult......he would have won in a landslide. 

    But his response was so incredibly piss poor,  so stupid,  so self centered and all about him being "right"......when he was clearly wrong, from the get go, ......calling it a hoax,  claiming it was a democrat plot,   saying it was no worse than the flu, telling people to drink BLEACH......trying to push Hydroxycloriquine  or whatever........(because he had a stake in the company)  I mean, he just ended up looking like a damn FOOL who had no clue what he was doing. 

    Then as the death toll rose all over the country, he was still blindly holding super spreader events,  and didn't give a rats patootie who got infected or died. 

    The election was fairly close......and a few thousand votes in various states could have given him those electoral votes. 

    Trouble was,  those few thousand  voters  were DEAD because of his staggering incompetence. 

    I think he absolutely BLEW his own chances. 

    and I voted for Biden and wanted Biden.....but even I thought it was a weak ticket with Harris.   No one wanted Harris.......NO ONE 

    But no one wanted 4 more years of an unhinged Trump-  He was clearly out of control......and the Capitol Riot more than proved that. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    Its far more likely that Trump ordered up Covid from the chinese to create chaos and division and suppress the vote, as his way to win.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    "Would have" is for fiction. History is what really happens.

  • xg6
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Probably not but Covid increased the margin of people who voted against Trump 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Considering how close it still was--it probably was Covid. Liberals were wrong about his support drying up.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    The economy had significantly slowed by the end of 2019. Then trump's failure to handle covid correctly crashed the economy and now we'll never know the difference.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Actually as has been PROVEN dozens of times he DID get reelected.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    COVID certainly didn't help, but 4 years of non-stop MSM Trump-bashing is what made the difference.  Add to that the Democrat-supported riots and terrorism.

  • 2 weeks ago

    I think covid pushed it over the edge but it was going to be close no matter what. 

    Actually I would bet covid letting people vote by mail did him in.  Republicans normally can count on long lines for inner city voters suppressing turn out.  

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