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Who would you have liked to see Jushin Thunder Liger face that he never wrestled?

1 Answer

  • Favorite Answer

    I can think of a lot of Wrestlers I would have loved to have seen Jushin Thunder Liger wrestle? Off the Top of my head:

    Jushin Liger vs. Shawn Michaels

    Jushin Liger vs. Juventud Guerrera

    Jushin Liger vs. Rob Van Dam

    Jushin Liger vs. Curt Hennig

    Jushin Liger vs. Bret Hart

    Jushin Liger vs. Owen Hart

    Jushin Liger vs. Rey Mysterio, Jr.

    Jushin Liger vs. Sabu

    Jushin Liger vs. Jerry Lynn

    Jushin Liger vs. Jeff Hardy

    Jushin Liger vs. Matt Hardy

    Jushin Liger vs. Edge

    Jushin Liger vs. Christian

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