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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsAllergies · 2 weeks ago

Iv had my dog 10 years and has no issues. Now when she comes near me I get itchy eyes and my nose runs?

I got my dog 10 years ago when she was a puppy, now she’s 10, since last year when she comes near me my nose and eyes get itchy and start to water. As if I’m allergic to her. It happens every single time she gets close to my face. How can I suddenly become allergic to my dog when I never have been before? 

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Dogs usually spend at least some of their time outside.  

    Have you recently moved.  Are there any new plants in the area.  This might actually be a reaction to plant pollen that is ON your dog when the dog comes back inside from being out.

    And I also agree with Tarkarri - look at other things that may have changed.  That would also include what you are using to bath your dog - or if you take your dog to a groomer - did they change products.  

    If you find that nothing changed - it is possible to become allergic to something that didn't bother you in the past.  That can include plant (pollen) allergies or allergies to animals or allergies to almost anything.  You can develop an allergy at any point in your life even if something never bothered you in the past.

    Hopefully, your allergy is not to dog dander and you can find which product or item is the actual problem.  

  • 2 weeks ago

    Look at what else may have changed.

    A new type of dog food?

    New flea treatment?

    New dog bed?

    Something like this could be causing a reaction to your dog that wasn't there before.

    Also try avet check in case your dog has developed a skin condition.

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