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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 2 weeks ago

Is he being nice or creepy?

Two years ago someone close to me passed away and a man who said he was related to him started commenting on my Facebook posts. I ignored it and then he sent me a friend request. I asked him who he was and he said he was related to my friend's father and wanted to be friends. I verified that through other family members. I was grieving so I accepted.

Since then, he messages me constantly, never rude or sexual but it's becoming annoying. 

A few weeks ago I posted I needed something for an art project and he offered to drop it off at a friend who lives near me. I went over and got. As soon as I drove into my driveway, he messaged me asking me if that is what I needed. I asked him how he knew I had just gotten home and he said he was on the porch of his friend's and was watching me. 

That unnerved me. I have never seen this man, nor have I met him, so I have no idea what he even looks like. When I began questioning him about it he said, "I know you better than you think I do."

Now, if I take a break from Facebook, he writes me asking if I am okay and so forth. I am a trauma survivor and struggle with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. 

Am I just being overly cautious or is he being too familiar and creepy?


8 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    i read your story about this guy , but seem like this guy has been stalking you whole time and whole 2 years now , that really sound horrible   and plus he might be a pervart who stalking younger girls  and i would just stop connect with him and stop worried about him by not speaking to him and dont accept him as friend anymore on facebook. because there are  ton of bad men out there is just looking at younger girls for  no reasons and you never accept or chat live and meet any one you dont really know in public life. there alot of no good and bad and kidnappers and child abuse and ect on facebook  that why you should not meet and be friends with strangers no matter if they are friends with your parents or neighbors and coworkers and a new friend from school, dont accept friendship with any of those people . reasons is never know if she or he are really nice person from meeting them . so you should just block him and ignored his messages and phone calls and if he has your home address then you shouldnt had giving it away that big no no .your father friend no nice person after all. you dont want be friends with your dad friends because doesnt sound right more like creepy and strange . he need to find his own ages to be friends with. you do same thing . if you ever being at home by your self sometime better not to answer your door or your phone when he is driving front of your house or knocking your door.. not safe . and you should also if you needed to go out some where invited your friends to go along with you to places so you wont feel in danger .you should also sooner talk to your dad what had been going on so he can take care of it. or you can do this when he keep writting you again, dont accept it you can send it back return to him .or can copy paste the letter email messages from him and send to facebook teams .let them know that this man you dont really know is stalking on you when you are online. what they will do is read your message and then help you out by take his email address and with his information about him then they take him to their blocker list  so means he wont able to send  and bother you any more. he does tried to connect you again they will be suspending his facebook account .some times there polices  that you can send report for harrassing emails from stranger that you dont want review any more messages from the person. you can do on your phone and laptop and facebook. Stop talking to him . he is danger man. not good person. 

  • RoVale
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    You need to consider blocking him. You don't have to say why you're doing it. Just do it.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Cut him off entirely.  Answer no more of his emails to you.  It certainly is creepy.  

  • 2 weeks ago

    Ummm that's freaking creepy,talk to somebody about him 

  • 2 weeks ago

    thats REALLY creepy - can you block him

  • 2 weeks ago

    DEFINITELY creepy.

  • d j
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    Send him as a friend suggestion to all your family members and friends.

    He wouldn't want to be broadcasted like that.

    Make him famous, let everyone who's on fb with you read and see what he's been talking to you about.

  • Mary
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    No, that’s creepy AF, not just your trauma talking.

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