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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceDream Interpretation · 2 weeks ago

Dream about a shark attacking about to attack a man?

I know sharks mean bad things/ppl. I found black sharks mean death so now I'm worried. 

I dreamed there was a man (who I don't know) had a cut in his arm. It was bleeding a bit so I told him to get out the water before he attracts a shark. He didn't seem to care (I was on a doc). There were 2 other girls who tried to swim towards the doc, annoyed at the man due to his selfishness. Then a black shark appeared, charging towards the guy. 


Wow! What WinterRose said was so accurate because over the years, I've been warning a guy not to do something yet he didn't want to hear it....but I'm kindv'e wondering what the other 2 ladies represent then. 

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    A shark represents Satan in dreams.

    The black color is a confirmation b/c black is the color of unrighteousness in dreams. Those who make it to heaven will wear white robes, washed clean by the blood of Christ.

    So the black shark definitely is Satan.

    You standing on the dock are outside of reach, but the man is in the water.

    Yes, indeed, this dream means you are warning someone that they will be destroyed by satan (in hell) if they don't get out of the water.

    This is a classic dream of someone preaching repentance of sins (protected by God, outside of satan's reach) to others (in the water) who are not only in satan's reach, they are drawing him with their activities. The man that did not want to come out represents those who hear the warning to repent, but they choose to ignore them, not realizing what satan will do to them for eternity.

    Your dream is very telling for the times we are living in today.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Somewhere in your Life you have issued a warning to someone, but that person did not listen to you.  As a result he or she has run into great harm or difficulty!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    i would wonder what type of movies youve been watching

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