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Anonymous asked in HealthOptical · 2 weeks ago

Do I have a likely eye infection?

My one eye feels like its bruised and it got punched my someone (like its swollen) and it feels like a black eye ( you don't want to press around it) , this all happened a few days ago when I was outside and my mask kept sliding down and I kept having to pull it up and I kept trying to have the mask under my glasses because they would fog up otherwise. I think the contents of the mask got into my glasses/eye.

Is this likely or what else can it be? I have no insurance. 

1 Answer

  • 2 weeks ago

    It is likely allergies and really has nothing to do with your mask, except your mask probably doesn't do a very good job of keeping viral particles or pollen out.

    -- most don't, that's not surprising.

    Put hot compress on your eye.  If it's still like this in 7 or so days, see a doctor. 

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