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Can civilians with Dbids on base be able to shop at the commissary or base exchange?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago


    The only people that can shop at the exchange or commissary are authorized patrons.  A DBIDS card is just a base access card.  Just because you got a DBIDS card to delivery pizzas to base housing doesn't mean you get to buy cheap food in the commissary.  If you want to do that, enlist or marry a servicemember.  

  • John
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    .Yes, if accompanied with an active duty Sailor. Check out the Navy Exchange anywhere in the World. I bought a new telescope, Subic Bay Naval Station Navy Exchange. I proved that Sirius ain't Jupiter to the officers and gentlemen of USS Somers DDG-34

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    A Dbid just gets you on base/post to do your job nothing more than that. 

    There was a time period when they could go to the exchange during COVID if essential workers. But unless you qualify as a retiree, dependent or a veteran you cannot. 

    Overseas you might be able to a exchange but it is limited.

    For the dude who said yes, that base shut down in 1992. It might have been an option then but not how. 

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