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Are my intentions well-meaning?

I asked my gold-pendulum; it indicates

I have a strong potential to be a great 

online tarot-card reader. It's not just so I 

can stay home all day. It pays twice as much

as most other jobs I can do, and I'd be 

happy to share those profits with my family. 

Isn't that the goal of work, to find

something suitable that is stable, 

it pays well and won't break your mental-health? 

So far, most jobs I've tried 

have caused me depression.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    adjective. If you say that a person or their actions are well-intentioned, you mean that they intend to be helpful or kind but they are unsuccessful or cause problems.

  • Yoda
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    What makes you think that the audience here can make any informed judgement on what you should be? We are not you.

    In the animal kingdom, birds drop their eggs in other birds nests in order that the parent birds will look after it's offspring, leaving it free to mate again. Why should we criticise this behaviour with our human morality.

    Many animals steal for a living

    Many humans make a living off the stupidity and gullibility of other humans.

    Why should I criticize or judge you for doing that too? If that is what makes you happy, it makes you happy. Even if you could predict the future, should you be giving people the future? Probably that would be reducing the human experience to a tape recording: something you've already heard. So, what is the real purpose of a Tarot card reader, if not to tell the future? People have problems. How are you really going to help them?

    Imagine if someone came here and asked whether they could be an Olympic sprinter, but they were totally fat. We'd all think: power-lifter more like. Yet, if that person said: do you think I could get the world record in the 100 m, we'd be lying to say "go for it, course you can", as we'd be thinking "you can break the world record for a fat human".. What if you're Tarot card reading pulled The world card? [Nothing can stand in your way, success is guaranteed]... Yeah, except your waste line! Yet if sprinting makes a person happy, why should they not do it anyway? Even if they can't be a professional sprinter!!! So as a Tarot card reader, your reads are sometimes going to fail to make sense. You're going to have to interpret them in such a way as you are helping that individual---even if not in the way they want.

    What is it that makes a stable living?

    High constant Demand

    Low supply

    High stable profit

    Any work that has these 3 facets is going to be financially stable.

    On the other hand, will you find it fulfilling in the longer term? Who knows?

    If you want to know what other people think, prepare to be judged harshly. If you want to know what to do, be your own judge, do the thinking, work through the process. Be a light to yourself. Read other people's books on it. Research, analyse, strategically plan, implement, operate!

    Don't think that a business will be like this: I aspire, I do, I win.

    Business is expensive. There are costs. There are marketing requirements. Without a plan, you are going to fail. Best have more than a plan: best have a strategy---a way of determining how you are going to out-compete your rivals. There are system and structural requirements. Overheads. Employees eventually.

    When you say: become a tarot card reader, if you become successful, you will only be so successful because you will be only one person with limited abilities to see people. If you want to do better then, you'll need to build the business and employ people. Then it becomes a business proper.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago
  • 2 weeks ago

    No, you're an utter and total loon.

    Attachment image
  • 2 weeks ago

    If you haven't found a good answer after a decade of spamming this, there's no getting through to you.


  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    One day left, assbucket.

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