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Anonymous asked in Social SciencePsychology · 2 weeks ago

Why does this happen?

People say hi at work but they never want to have a conversation. I know saying hi is a polite thing to do but they will say hi almost everyday and I say hi back and then that's it. It feels so meaningless, so robotic. It even makes me feel lonely. Sometimes I think that perhaps they just say hi for attention not out of kindness and I'm just another person they seek attention from to validate their existence.


Well they would talk to other people a lot.

4 Answers

  • Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    most people cling to these social niceties like rats to a sinking ship.

    personally, i prefer the dirty truth to a pretty lie, but i am in the minority.

    just remember, they are PAYING you to be nice...

  • 2 weeks ago

    I wonder if it might help if you got some good conversation advice. Book - a best-seller for generations -

  • 2 weeks ago

    Are you being a bit too sensitive?  Making a mountain out of a mole hole?  If they didn't say hi, you would feel more lonely.  Get a grip of self & don't let the little things upset you.

    If you stopped for a conversation with everyone you said 'hi' to, the whole day would be wasted & no one would get any work done.  It is a simple courtesy in a workplace

  • 2 weeks ago

    I wouldn't worry about it.

    it's supposed to be work.

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