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Transgenders, do you think it’s important to get approval of other people for transition?

2 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    The "other people" should make the tranny's life unbearable.

    Just like the trannies make all their families' lives twisted and dysfunctional.

    Down with trannies!  Down with narcissistic men who claim to be women!

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Everyone's situation is different, but in general, no.

    I say that because for many trans people transition is a matter of survival.

    It certainly was for me.

    I tried reasoning with my ex, but they thought I could just put the genie back in the bottle and that was impossible.

    If I hadn't transitioned when I did (after they dumped me in a quickie divorce), I wouldn't be here today.

    EDIT: "transgender" is an adjective, not a noun.

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