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Lv 55,295 points

Claire O

Favorite Answers16%
  • Just had a sweep done?

    Hi I had a stretch and sweep (I think its the same as having your membranes stripped just a different name) done about 3 hours ago. I was told to expect some cramping afterwards and maybe some bleeding. Well I am bleeding and not bothered by that but the cramping is agonising. How long should it be before it dies down if its going to? Also my back hurts but I guess thats the same as the cramping. The bit that is confusing me is the fact the tops of my legs ache so much. Whats that about, I've never experienced it before.

    Is it supposed to be like this so soon afterwards? Could it mean thats the sweep worked? I didnt think they worked this quickly thats why I'm asking.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • After a stretch and sweep?

    Hey, I'm having a stretch and sweep done this afternoon as I'm 5 days overdue. I know the actual sweep itself shouldnt hurt as much as it should just be uncomfortable but how do you feel afterwards. Just wondering what to expect (except hopefully labour in the next 2 days), are you sore or anything?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What can I do to kill time?

    I was due last Friday and so far nothings happened. I'm driving myself crazy wondering if every twinge is the beginning of labour. My midwife is gonna do a stretch and sweep tomorro, so hopefully that'll work coz they wont induce until I'm nearer 42 weeks gone!

    I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for what I can do to keep my mind occupied? Obviously everything for the baby is ready, I've had a really long nesting phase so there is nothing left to scrub (although I may redo a few bits).

    I feel like I'm going crazy!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone know anything about the moon and labour?

    I know the moon has an affect on women (and water) but I've heard that more women go into labour on or around a full moon - or at least their waters break and labour has to be induced (only full term women I think). Does anyone know if thats true? I think I'm just clinging to straws here but I'm due tomorro and theres a full moon tonight so I guess I'm just hoping I wont go too far overdue.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How long after the birth?

    do you bleed for?

    I'm sure its different for everyone but was just curious

    16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Fibroid on cervix?

    HI, I'm due to have my baby a week on Friday and oly just thought of this. I'm seeing my midwife on Wednesday and will ask her then but I'm curious. A few years ago it was found that I have a fibroid (cant remember the full name it was given) on my cervix. This may sound daft but will that cause any problems when I start to dilate, I mean one doctor described it as a spot like thing, could it burst when I dilate or anything? Noone said anything about it casuing problems for me in the future but I just though I best ask!


    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Belly button piercing?

    I've had my belly button pierced for nearly 10 years, I took out the jewellry as soon as I started gaining weight which was early on. Anyway today (I'm 38 weeks and feel like I'm about to explode) the piercing is covered in purple lines (a bit like stretch marks) and red sore looking spots/lines - maybe even scratches is the best way to describe it, it even looks like it may have bled a tiny bit where the skin is splitting. I've never heard of anyone having this problem, do some peoples split when pregnant?

    I'm just so suprised it did this so quickly, it was fine - no marks at all- this morning!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Whats the difference?

    I was just trying to figure out what the difference is between an epidural and a spinal block (I know they have slightly different affects). Are they both done in the same way?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Upset by in-laws comments?

    I know I'm hormonal... I'm 37 weeks pregnant and big and tired but how would you feel if your in-laws (or anyone for that matter) decided to do nothing but criticize the names you've chosen for your baby? I'm really upset and guess I just wanna know if I'm over-reacting. I'd never insult what someone wants to call their child (no matter what I really think as its not up to me). Its not like I've chosen really weird names (I dont think), the one they really have a problem with is Jasmine for a girl. Is it that horrible? They went on about it all of last weekend when we visited them and I've just recieved a long email going on about nothing except how unimpressed they are with our name choices. Hubby is a wimp when it comes to his family so he's not gonna say anything, and I darent as I'll not be able to control my temper and they hold a grudge forever!

    Whys this upset me so much? Would it bother you guys the same?

    35 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What can I expect?

    Hi, I'm just over 37 weeks pregnant for for the last 6 weeks or so my baby has been in the right position for delivery (head down, back to the left etc), but I'm sure she's moved, its so uncomfortable and I can feel her lying across my stomach sideways (tranverse breech position I think its called). I know I'm no expert so I might be wrong but she definately isnt in the correct position any more. I was wondering what can I expect if she is breech and doesnt turn back around before I go into labour? Do they manipulate the baby to face the right way (I seem to remember my bosses wife having that done) or will they just go for a c-section. Obviously I'll ask my midwife all these things when I next see her but I was hoping maybe someone here will know!


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Raspbery leaf tea question?

    My midwife has told me to start drinking raspberry leaf tea daily to intensify braxton hicks so when I go into labour my body is more efficient as its my first child. She told me to start on 2 cups a day and see if thats makes a difference but for most women its about 4 cups a day for them to feel stronger braxton hicks. Well I'm up to 4 cups a day and feel no difference (in fact I've had virtually no braxton hicks). I forgot to ask her this so I'm asking here but is there a limit to how much I can drink? I mean is 4 cups the maximum or is it safe no matter how much you drink?


    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Bringing up blood?

    Ok, I'll be taking my dog to the vets as soon as my hubby can get home (I dont drive), but was hoping someone here could give me an idea of what might be wrong. We picked bailey (our dog) up from the boarding kennels he's been in since Friday this morning and was told he had been 'coughing up bits' as if you'd had a nosebleed sorta thing. Well since getting him home he's come running into me with bright red blood smeared up the side of his face. He hadnt coughed, it had been brought up silently, there was still blood on his tongue at the back and gums when I looked. Although now there is no sign of any damage to inside his mouth so I can only assume he's bringing up the blood rather than bleeding from the mouth.

    What can cause this, I'm really worried.

    Any ideas?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do hormones gets worse the closer to the end of pregnancy?

    Ok, I'm 36 weeks pregnant and so far I havent had any major mood swings or anything like that. But just recently I've been getting upset easier, angry easier etc etc. The usual seriously hormonal stuff. Is that because I'm in the last trimester (big, heavy, tired, fed up) or does it happen the closer to labour you get... or is it another one of these things that happens differently to everyone?


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Long car journey at 36 weeks?

    Hi, my hubby has to visit his family and wants me to go with him. However we live near London and they live in Wales so its gonna be a 5 hour (ish) car journey.

    I've been having a lot of pain in my pelvis, hips, groin and back this past weeks or two and I'm really not looking forward to this journey. I know how to help the back ache (using wedge cushions and a hot water bottle etc), I'll also get hubby to stop regularly so I can walk around - if I can manage it after sitting still for a period of time :-( . But I know I'm still going to be in a lot of pain with my pelvis (as I cant even hack a 30 min car ride at the minute), do you have any suggestions to help ease the discomfort?

    Plus then my in-laws have decided that after we get there on the Friday they want us to travel further to see more family on the Saturday... that isnt gonna happen - there is no way I'm getting back in a car that soon! I'm guessing hubbys Mum didnt suffer like this, or she'd know how much I'll hurt!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How to know if this is too much pain?

    I'm 35 weeks pregnant and have been so uncomfortable for a while now. Its my pelvis, hips and groin that hurt, which I know is down to the weight and position of the baby, but the past few days its been getting so much worse, today I can barely walk if I've been sat down for more than 10 mins (I completely seize up). Is that still normal or should I see my midwife about it? I dont know how much pain/discomfort is normal as this is my first baby!

    I dont want to bother her if its normal so any advice is welcome.


    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • After the birth?

    As there are a few questions tonight about what its like to give birth, I thought I'd ask how bad it is after the birth. I've got my head around the actual labour bit (its gotta be done and to be honest I've had enough of being pregnant now, I hurt all the time), but its when you hear people on tv saying how that going to the loo for the first time afterwards is as painful as giving birth..... Its just started to freak me out. Is it that bad, does it take long to recover from a natural birth? What if you've had stitches, how long does it take for them to heal?


    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Boarding my dog?

    I need to have my dog put in kennels for a few days soon (which I've never done before). Does anyone know roughly how much I can expect them to charge per day?


    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Husband not interested in sex?

    I'm 27 weeks pregnant and starting to feel really really insecure. My husband just isnt interested in sex (with me at least). Dont get me wrong he's a lovely guy and I know he loves me very much but I cant help feeling unwanted. I dont know what to do, I've tried talking to him, with no success. But I'm worried about how badly this is affecting me (I've suffered depression in the past and dont want to again... especially not whilst pregnant). Has anyone else been through this? I just feel really low and need some kinda reassurance I guess.

    Any advice is welocme


    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • breastfeeding?

    I'm due to have my baby on 1st June and am thinking about feeding options. I know breast is best but the thought of it has always made me feel ill. I dont know why, I knows its natural and best etc so please dont jump on me for that. So I was planning on bottle feeding but I want to do whats best for the baby, I was wondering could I breast feed for the first week or so just so baby gets the collostrum then switch to bottle feeding or is it not worth doing it for that short a time? Would it just confuse baby. I know after the birth I may change my mind and want to breast feed anyway, but I'm not banking on it!

    I'll talk it over with my midwife at some point but I'm not due to see her for a while so I thought I'd ask here.

    Thanks for any advice

    45 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy and work?

    I was hoping someone might know something about my rights as a pregnant employee.

    I've been ill for over a week now with several infections, they arent caused by the pregnancy but the docs dont want to pump me full of anti biotics due to the pregnancy. So I signed myself off on thrusday, worked Sat and Sun and the doc signed me off today.

    My boss was less than amused, apparantly she thinks it'd be wise if I went on early leave (I'm only 22 weeks pregnant and you cant take maternitly leave before 29 weeks) if I'm gonna be 'constantly ill'. I've had two days off in the space of a week so I fail to see how that is constantly ill.

    Anyway my question is can she force me to take an unpaid leave of absence as I cant take maternity leave yet if she really wants too?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago