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Curiosity Killed The Goldfish

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  • Child support please help!?

    Child support please help!?

    I'm a parent of a 2 Year old, my Son's dad has given me any money for over 1 year and a half. when I ask for money which Is 10 or 20 because I know times are hard and that's all I ask A month and still Can't receive It. I don't work but I have been trying to get a Job for awhile now,It's been hard. He would prefer to buy the Items than give me the money to buy It. what do i need with 20 buck's? I was working since I was 15 all the way to 19 I had to stop working because i was collapsing everyday, All I would like to know Is would I be deny, Because I have no Job? BTW I live In Florida. He keep's receipt of everything, My parent's buy everything.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Child support please help!?

    I'm a parent of a 2 Year old, my Son's dad has given me any money for over 1 year and a half. when I ask for money which Is 10 or 20 because I know times are hard and that's all I ask A month and still Can't receive It. I don't work but I have been trying to get a Job for awhile now,It's been hard. He would prefer to buy the Items than give me the money to buy It. what do i need with 20 buck's? I was working since I was 15 all the way to 19 I had to stop working because i was collapsing everyday, All I would like to know Is would I be deny, Because I have no Job? BTW I live In Florida. He keep's receipt of everything, My parent's buy everything.

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • "What's The best weight lost Pill, Method, or drink, etc? PLEASE HELP:((?

    "I have tried every product you can think of to lose weight and nothing deem's to work,I need to lose weight and would love to know what Is good, Don't name something you haven't tryed or that anyone you've known haven't tryed as well, Please and Thank you In Advance:)

    25 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • My baby has Dimple's... From where though?

    So my son has two dimples on his face one on each side of his cheek's one on each knee cap and one above his butt and on each elbow, He's 1 and I've been wondering for a while how he got dimple's? Neither his dad nor I have dimple's so can someone explain this to me? No one In either of our Immediate family has dimples!

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • My son Just turned One, I don't want him to grow up:'(?

    My son Just turned one and It's hard for me to see him growing up, Is that normal this early In his life? I want him to stay a baby forever, How do I deal with this. His father Is glad he's growing up, I On t he other hand feel's like by the time I quint he'll be going off to college. I'll miss my little boy:'(

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When Is It a good time to forgive and let go?

    When Is It a good time to forgive and let go?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • When you put In 8yrs and a baby?

    When your with someone for 8yrs and you just had a baby, they don't appreciate you and their always disrespecting you and tell you their sorry but keeps doing the same thing.. they keep hurting and stop caring. When you decide enough Is enough and decide to let go they want to hold on, Just because they want to be the person to end things even though for years you were the one that took care of them, fed them, pay their expenses, house them, and were they through all of their family drama.... what do you do? how do you get over 8yrs? how do you re-discover yourself? How do you heal from your pain(Not talking about getting another guy, how do you spiritually heal)?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • when you put In 8yrs and a baby?

    When your with someone for 8yrs and you just had a baby, they don't appreciate you and their always disrespecting you and tell you their sorry but keeps doing the same thing.. they keep hurting and stop caring. When you decide enough Is enough and decide to let go they want to hold on, Just because they want to be the person to end things even though for years you were the one that took care of them, fed them, pay their expenses, house them, and were they through all of their family drama.... what do you do? how do you get over 8yrs? how do you re-discover yourself? How do you heal from your pain(Not talking about getting another guy, how do you spiritually heal)?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • "Is It better to forgive and forget or to just forgive and keep your distance"?

    "Is It better to forgive and forget or to just forgive and keep your distance/To just act as If they didn't do anything at all but know your limit's and don't trust them again?"

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Say Your 8Mths Pregnant.. Your Boyfriend Leaves You For An Ex...?

    Get's The Girl Pregnant, Then When He Know's What He Did Was Wrong, Finally Tell's You And Hopes You Forgive Him. Then When You Do Thing's Are Great Between The Two Of You. Until She Starts To Spoil Him... He Then's Neglect What You And Him Had For The Past 6Yrs. And Treat You Like Crap, Call You Every Name In The Book And Earlier In Your Pregnancy He Tryed To Strangle You With A Wrench Because You Didn't Want To Speak To Him And You Walked Away, He Chased You Down The Road And Did It In Public, Take The Wrench And Hit you In Your Stomach With It, You Forgive But Don't Forget.... He Told You After You Said You Nolonger Wanted A Baby Shower That He Will Keep You One, You Invite Everyone! Even PPL Who Don't Know About The Pregnancy, He Get's Upset Because His Name Is On The Invitation But The Ex Can Have His Name And Pic All Over The Internet... So He Cancels The Shower And Your Stuck With No Money To Pay For The Food Or A Place To Keep It ... WHAT SHOULD I DO?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Say Your 8Mths Pregnant.. Your Boyfriend Leaves You For An Ex...?

    Get's The Girl Pregnant, Then When He Know's What He Did Was Wrong, Finally Tell's You And Hopes You Forgive Him. Then When You Do Thing's Are Great Between The Two Of You. Until She Starts To Spoil Him... He Then's Neglect What You And Him Had For The Past 6Yrs. And Treat You Like Crap, Call You Every Name In The Book And Earlier In Your Pregnancy He Tryed To Strangle You With A Wrench Because You Didn't Want To Speak To Him And You Walked Away, He Chased You Down The Road And Did It In Public, Take The Wrench And Hit you In Your Stomach With It, You Forgive But Don't Forget.... He Told You After You Said You Nolonger Wanted A Baby Shower That He Will Keep You One, You Invite Everyone! Even PPL Who Don't Know About The Pregnancy, He Get's Upset Because His Name Is On The Invitation But The Ex Can Have His Name And Pic All Over The Internet... So He Cancels The Shower And Your Stuck With No Money To Pay For The Food Or A Place To Keep It ... WHAT SHOULD I DO?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How Do You Know If A Guy Is Loose?

    How Do You Know If A Guy Is Loose? I Know Guy's Can Tell When A Girl Has No Wall! How Do You Know For A Fact If A Guy Is Loose Is His Penis Wrinkle??

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Why Do You Think People Constantly Tell You They Love You In A Relationship And They Cheat?

    Why Do You Think People Constantly Tell You They Love You In A Relationship, Go Behind Your Back And Do What They Want To Do, Betray Your Love And Act Like It Was Nothing, Like They're Not Guilty ? Do You Think It's Fair Or Right For Someone To Treat Another That They Supposedly Love To Death, Like Their Feelings Are Nothing And Won't Allow That Person To Go Be Happy Instead Of Be With Them And Their Cheating Butt?

    20 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Why Do You Think People Constantly Tell You They Love You In A Relationship And They Cheat?

    Why Do You Think People Constantly Tell You They Love You In A Relationship, Go Behind Your Back And Do What They Want To Do, Betray Your Love And Act Like It Was Nothing, Like They're Not Guilty ? Do You Think It's Fair Or Right For Someone To Treat Another That They Supposedly Love To Death, Like Their Feelings Are Nothing And Won't Allow That Person To Go Be Happy Instead Of Be With Them And Their Cheating Butt?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Why Do You Think People Constantly Tell You They Love You In A Relationship And They Cheat?

    Why Do You Think People Constantly Tell You They Love You In A Relationship, Go Behind Your Back And Do What They Want To Do, Betray Your Love And Act Like It Was Nothing, Like They're Not Guilty ? Do You Think It's Fair Or Right For Someone To Treat Another That They Supposedly Love To Death, Like Their Feelings Are Nothing And Won't Allow That Person To Go Be Happy Instead Of Be With Them And Their Cheating Butt?

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago