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Hayley .
Best baby names!!??!?!?
Last name Drader
Audrey Faye
Scarlette Mae
Addison Leigh
Madison Leigh
Jailyn Blue
Kimberlyn Rae
Kristen Nyx
Jada Lorraine
Dakota Ryder
Jamison Lee
Harlan Brier
Emory Brooks
Judd Birch
28 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoGood idea for a chest tattoo?
Do you think the quote "Love is being vulnerable"
is a good idea for a tattoo across the chest.
Or any other ideas?
7 AnswersTattoos1 decade agoChest tattoo...?
In a few years I want to get a tattoo on my chest.
But what I want is some meaningful words.
I'm going to continue to look myself, but I wouldn't mind having some ideas of things you think are meaningful words.
Because I don't want it to be meaningful just to me I want it to be some what inspiring too.
Like I've seen "Stay True"
"Regret Nothing"
But I would like something a little longer Preferrably 5 or 6 words.
I'm open to suggestions. THANKS!
2 AnswersTattoos1 decade agoBaby names?
Good or bad names?
Sylvia Lynn
Addison Leigh
Audrey Faye
Scarlette Mae
Jamison Rainn
Emory Brooks
Dakota Manning
Dakota Reid
Avery Hart
11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoExciting family vacation locations?
I'm helping to plan next summer's vacation with my mom's side of the family. There will be 18 people. 10 adults and 8 kids. I want to find something that has condos we could rent close to a nice beach. Fairly nice condos. I would like it to be like right next to the beach. I want to find something on the east coast. Preferably not too far North. I want there to be something for everyone as well. There will be two teen girls 5 & 16 so shopping would be great! And there will be 5 boys between ages 14 and 6. The adults will be up for pretty much anything. The vacation is mostly about the kids anyway.
Any suggestions would be AMAZING!!!!
4 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoHair Stylist in Savannah, Georgia?
I need a hair stylist that is located in Savannah, Georgia. Anyone know anybody? I would prefer they're specialty to be edgy, wild, and fun cuts. I basically have my hair how I want it, but it could be changed and it does need to be trimmed up. I would like someone who isn't afraid to razor my hair especially when I ask for it to be. I've had a stylist who talked me out of it although I really would have preferred it be done. She also used to be really great, but recently I feel she has failed me and hasn't given me what I wanted.
So any recommendations, please give them!
1 AnswerHair1 decade agoBedroom Ideas.?
I'll probably be about 16 the time I get this done, but I need to get some ideas for my bedroom. I need to organize clothes, I need to use my closet more. I want to get rid of my dresser. I need alternatives to a dresser. I need color ideas for the walls. I also want to have a collage wall with fashion and art icons. If I could incorporate that into my room that'd be great too. I need some kind of sitting. Also a new desk. A make up and hair and accesory storage area would be nice too. I want it to be unique and edgy. A color pallette would help a lot. Any ideas would be good.
My room is like lavendar and eggplant purple now. Opposite walls are the same color. I'm just ready for a change. Also I have an old cast iron bed. It's pretty cool, but I'd rather make a platform bed and make a quilted headboard for it. Anyway of doing that let me know. Thanks.
1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoNeeded Quickly Alternative and Metal lustful and love songs.?
I need some songs fast. Either alternative or metal love songs that are kind of slow and lustful/passionate.
I'll give 10 points to the person that comes up with the best ones. If I don't find what I'm looking for the points go to the one with the most suggestions. Please help me. I need these songs ASAP.
3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoGood Baby Names!!!!???
Audrey Faye
Corrine Elizabeth
Janel Marie
Taryn Ann
Sidonia Leigh
Jamison Rainn
Emory Brooks
Harrison Lee
Avery Reid
Rylan Kai (Long 'i')
Grayson Skye
Gavin Jade
15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoNail problems...?
My boyfriend has a nail problem. I'm trying to get a general idea of what it is since he's lazy and wont go to the doctor.
All of his nails on his hands and feet are like this.
They dip in some places, they have some discoloration, they look rough as though they've been scraped, his cuticles are dry and cracked, and the nails are short.
I have no idea what it is. If someone has an idea please tell me.
Oh. and he's had the problem since he was a little kid sooo at least like 13 or 14 years.
8 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agosoft and indie songs..?
Like Kimya Dawson
or something acoustic and soft.
4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoPlum or Maroon Hair dye..?
I have medium brown hair.
I want to dye it either like a plum color or maroon, not red.
I don't want it to be like super bright, but kind of dark but you can still tell I have it.
I want it like Lacey Mosley's hair in this video
If you have any suggestions on the brand, where I can get it, or color name please tell me!
1 AnswerHair1 decade agoLove songs...?
I'm making a mix CD for this guy I like of like love songs and stuff. We both like acoustic indie songs but I've had a hard time finding a lot of them. My goal is at least 10 songs. I currently have 4. suggestions would be nice...
3 AnswersR&B & Soul1 decade agoWhich of these baby names do you like best???
Give me alternatives and opinions please.
Audrey Faye
Corrine Elizabeth
Cora Ann
Lacey Rae
Scarlette Mae
Emery Holden
Oliver (Oli) Huck or Holten
Emmett Addison
Hudson Skye
Riley Jade
Jamison Rhett
Emery Brooks
Torry Parker
Schuyler (Skyler) Leigh
20 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWedding location...?
Probably around 100-150 guests. Location is a factor though. Not totally a 100% on number of guest. We may decide to down size. What I'm looking for though is a very pretty a courtyard with ivy on the sides...and like cast iron fences maybe...
like this.
Something like an old stone or brick building with a lush green field and old oak trees and courtyard and just be really pretty.
Like a castle...but not exactly..I wouldn't even mind TRYING to go to England or somewhere to try and find a castle...
But best to stay in the states...we live on the East coast...Southeast Ga..but if we find a great spot somewhere a little farther North, South, or West...we'll look into..anything fitting that description would be much appreciated
6 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoRedoing Bedroom...Advice?
I want to redo my room. I picked the color when I was like 11 or 12 and I picked purple. Two tones like eggplant and pale lavender. I want a change. I want an indie bohemian oriental kind of feel. I'm an environmentalist so anything paint or recycled products that I can use would be great. If you don't have that give me your suggestion and I'll improvise to help fit what I need. Right now I have a cast iron bed that's like 100+ years old and I want to get rid of it and put my mattress on the floor. I'm also really into yoga and meditation so anything to go along with that. AND I my closet door is coming off and I'm getting rid of that...Any idea for a door covering curtain or something? Color I need something kind of neutral but not bleek that can go with several different styles in case I change my mind. Also I know I said indie and indie is supposed to be like independent, but I just need a few pointers in the right direction...OH! And..I'm really into art so yea..
14 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoExtremely scary movies..?
I'm doing a project for one of my classes and I need extremely scary movies and some that make you squeamish. Preferably something that really is scary. Something that's actually made you jump and scream. If you scream about little bugs crawling across your kitchen floor don't respond. I need something that scares someone who hardly ever gets scared. No monster movies either. I need like really good slasher movies with insane people, or cannibals. Unless of course it's a zombie movie I love those. I just really need to get scared. And I need to be able to scared my boyfriend and he's hard to scare so anything relating to that is great.
No The Hills have Eyes, Exorcist, Saw,Hostel, The Ring, Or Grudge...unless the seconds ones are any good or in the case of Saw the 4th one. I've seen all the others.
But I really want something that makes me scream and jump from time to time.
16 AnswersMovies1 decade agoBaby Names. Which do you like best???
Continuance and revision of my other question.
Alright. Last name going to be Drader...rhymes with Vader..
Anyway...I paired these names myself. Jade is unisex and besides it's the middle name and the Daddy's middle name is kind of girly "Brooks" so it works. I will not use Rose or Marie. I'm also going for unique names I don't want my children being another Brandon, Justin, Josh, Brittany, or Jessica. All great names but I want different and unique something you will always remember. It's not always about the name either it's how you wear it. Don't lecture on gender specific. Nice criticism or alternatives. I'm not all to sure about the girl names either I haven't found any I really like. I want it beautiful but strong. Different but rolls off the tongue. Suggestions??
Emily Jean
Audrey Faye
Emma Jean
Marlene Cora
Scarlette Mae
Emery Holten
Oliver (Oli) Huck or Holten
Emmett Addison
Hudson Skye
Riley Jade
Jamison ???
**Holten is like Holden
15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhich of these baby names do you like best??
Last name going to be Drader....long 'a'
Girls Names
Audrey Faye
Emily Jean
Brett Leigh
Rhian Michelle
Emma Mae
Boy Names
Jayden Tyler
Schuyler Holten
Oliver (Oli) Huck
Emery Addison
Riley Jade
Hudson Skye
I'm open to suggestions too
32 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoLove songs...? Good ones.?
I'm very much in love with guy and I'm so sure of it. All I can do is listen and sing to love songs all the time, but I want some new ones. I like acoustic ones, but the lyrics really mean the most to me. And I want something that talks about kind of like young love or something. And I'm really into things like Mayday Parade, Landon Pigg, Boys like Girls, Hinder, Jamison Parker, Brand New, or anything like that. Anything that relates to any of the above would be appreciated.
11 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago