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Lv 619,248 points

Laura Renee

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  • My surgery was a fail?

    I had surgery on my hip in February to repair a labral tear. I did not heal properly and am in more pain than before surgery. My surgeon told me I need a hip replacement now. He did not take x rays or look at my gait since surgery. He claims that the tear was repaired and this is just arthritis causing my pain. I want another opinion but don’t know how to go about getting one in light of the fact that my hip has already had surgery.  How do I find a doctor who is willing to assess honestly another doctor’s work? 

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management5 months ago
  • How do I know if the symptoms I am experiencing are from lyme disease?

    I was tested a couple years ago and as a precautionary, the doc put me on one week of antibiotics, believing that 2 weeks was not necessary as it is not prevalent in this area and I probably was not exposed to it anyway. Results came back and I had indeed been exposed to lyme. My doc did not continue the full 2 week course of antibiotics. Is there a test that will determine if symptoms I am experiencing are related to lyme disease?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases2 years ago
  • Is it a parent's right to choose who she wants as an aide for her IEP child?

    If the child has very unique needs and the parents want to keep the aide who has been working with their child at that same school for the past two years, and the aide also wants to continue working with the child, and it would be in the child's best interest, can the school overlook seniority (meaning, the time having worked at that school) and keep the aide with the child? Is summer school any different? What are the child's/parent's rights? This is in the state of Illinois; this particular school "fires" the aides at the end of the school year and then "rehires" based on need for aides and "seniority." The school is unionized.

    3 AnswersSpecial Education4 years ago
  • Sexual harassment in the workplace (public school) in Illinois?

    I have worked in a small public school in Illinois for the past year and was sexually harassed continuously by a particular employee, who has worked there for 13 years, until I finally reported it, back in October. He was suspended for a month. Last week I received a letter from his attorney stating that this person denies the allegations I made against him and that I have caused his reputation to suffer and engaged in defamation of character! He is threatening to pursue legal action against me if I ever make these sorts of statements again! He knows that what I reported is true. I did not want to make an official report and asked only to be kept out of situations in which I would have to work alone with him, but I was asked a few days later (by the principal and vice principal) to write a report about it because there were allegations from other employees about sexual harassment by him. Isn't this letter further harassment by him of a different form? What are my rights? Does the school have an obligation to protect me?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Why did my dad's blood sugar levels drop so low so quickly?

    He was fine, then he went to eat a bowl of cereal and then a few minutes later, his eyes were rolling back in his head and he was lethargic. I gave him some Pepsi through a straw while the paramedics were on the way and even after all that his blood sugar was in the 20s. We gave him two glasses of OJ with added sugar and that did nothing to help raise his blood sugar. The paramedics had to inject D50 to get him stabilized and then he went to the ER via ambulance. What happened? Why didn't the cereal and the Pepsi and the sugar laden OJ help raise his blood sugar? He didn't take a double dose of insulin. What may have caused this? He had not been exerting himself-- it was early morning. The doc in the backwoods hospital couldn't figure it out but sent him home telling him that his hemoglobin is very low suggesting he is anemic. I am going with him to his endo today but I want info to take with me so I can understand and so I can know what to do if this ever happens again.

    3 AnswersDiabetes5 years ago
  • Can taking Acyclovir cause a HSV 1 and 2 blood test to come back negative?

    I was diagnosed with herpes based on a visual exam 14 years ago at an urgent care facility. At the time, I was sick and feverish and it burned to pee. I had what appeared to be 2 small blisters on my labia. I have never had a blister since then and have been on suppression medication every day since then. I finally had a blood test done the other day to determine what type of herpes I have. I just found out the results-- they came back negative for either type! Is it possible that suppression med could cause this? Acyclovir 400mg 2 times a day for 14 years. What kind of damage might this have done to my liver and will it heal?

    2 AnswersSTDs5 years ago
  • Where do I find a "floor" for my car trunk?

    I spilled used oil all over the trunk of my car and the floor (not just the mat) was ruined. I need a floor and a mat. I don't want to go to a dealership and pay $$$. When I look up "trunk floors" on the internet, it takes me to trunk floor mats. lol

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Getting my car plated and insured in a new state...?

    I live in a new state and need to put a car in my name and insure it. Do I need to get a drivers license in this new state first? Do I then get the title transferred? Then insurance? To clarify, the car is currently insured in my name and the owner's name and plated in the state I previously lived in, which is also where my driver's license was issued from.

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration5 years ago
  • When in an accident and it is the other person's fault, should the person not at fault be expected to pay any out of pocket expenses?

    Progressive is telling me that since I only have PLPD on my car, Enterprise won't loan me a car unless I pay for full coverage insurance on the loaner car while my car is in the shop getting fixed (by Progressive hired mechanics). It was the other person's fault. Is this true?

    5 AnswersInsurance & Registration5 years ago
  • Is a person's weight a factor in determining how much thyroid hormone to take?

    I have never heard this before yesterday and was on the same levels for over ten years. My new doc wants to lower it due to my weight. What does weight have to do with it?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • What type of resume is right for me?

    I spent my entire adulthood raising my two children with cystic fibrosis, one of which had aspergers as well. I was divorced when our second child was a baby and I became their main caregiver, with the help of home nurses while I went to college. We were "in the system" because Medicaid was all there was back then for my kids. After they turned 18, I was able to work some, for a couple years as a direct support person, for a couple months in a factory (ouch), and then for many years I had my own business as a private DJ/KJ/Entertainer-- it's been on the back burner for several years now, aside from a private party now and then. My son died 8 years ago due to complications of his illness. My daughter, who I was legal guardian of due to her aspergers, went on to get a double lung transplant and lived until this past May. Advocating for her became my full time job, dealing with doctors and asking questions that she wouldn't think to ask and such. We moved mountains together. We moved across the country even to be closer to the hospital she needed to go to. I couldn't work much because we were traveling often and often she was hospitalized when we would just go for a doctor appointment.

    Well, I think I'm ready to get into the workforce now and I have no idea how to write a resume or what type of resume would be good for me. I don't know what characteristics I have developed over the years, through either work or raising my kids or going to school would be good to put on a resume

    1 AnswerParenting6 years ago
  • I would like to know what long term complications arise from endometrial ablation.?

    Is it possible to have a period 10 years later after having none since the ablation? Why might this happen?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Why were my loved one's cremated ashes dark grey?

    The man who cremated her and gave me her remains (while they were still warm) told me they were dark grey due to some metal placed in her legs. I said, my daughter did not have metal in her legs-- what are you talking about? And he said, well she had a transplant, right? I said, she had a double lung transplant. He said that maybe it was due to metal braces being put in place to hold her lungs in place. But I have seen her ex rays many times. I never saw any braces. But I think waited until the last minute to cremate her. Why would her ashes be dark grey? She had no metal inside her other than possibly a small stent in one of her airways, and I don't even know that that was metal. What did he do that was shady? Because I didn't know what color to expect her ashes to be in the first place and wouldn't have thought about their color except that he brought it up to me right away when he showed me the ashes.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • Resources for single parents who spent their lives caring for their special needs children who are now both deceased...?

    To clarify, I was married to the father of my children. We were young and I was pregnant and we tried. We had two children born with cystic fibrosis, one of them also born with mild autism. We were married and divorced within 3 years. He was discharged from the marine corps because our babies needed us both. They were born 16 months apart.

    So, as the only insurance I could find for my terminally ill children at the time as a single mom was medicaid, my kids and I "went into the system." That was so they could have the things they needed medically. Not so I could sit on my azz. I spent my time raising them and caring for them (they needed extensive care) with the help of a home nurse while I also went to college (and graduated with a 3.5+ GPA, getting my AAS in Business Admin and also my license in cosmetology).

    So, my son passed away 8 years ago at the tender young age of 19. My daughter, so precious and innocent yet amazingly strong and determined, just passed away last week. I know now is not the time to start looking. I am grieving and heartbroken. But I worked very little in the workforce while my kids were alive because my main job was to care for them. Where do I start? Who makes a resume for someone like me who mostly has skills based on life experience and not workforce expI have had my own business as a private Dj and KJ but that has been put on the back burner for a couple years to deal with my daughter as her legal guardian and health care power of attorney.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • What causes a person to feel hot all the time?

    My mom is living with me for the time being and I have noticed that she likes the temperature in the apartment miserably cold, like 68 degrees on average. I woke up this morning freezing to the thermostat set to 65 degrees and the temp outside was 55! She is 70 years old and past menopause. What is wrong with her?? lol Seriously, is this a sign of a medical condition (other than hypothyroid, which she insists that she has been checked for and isn t)?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases6 years ago
  • What can I expect from SSI and/or Medicaid as far as expenses acquired due to death?

    My daughter, who has special needs and is on SSI and Medicaid (as well as private insurance), is dying. I don't even know where to begin with getting funeral things arranged. Does insurance (or Medicaid or SSI) help with funeral expenses? Are there stipulations (like having to have a funeral in a certain state)? She is an adult but I am her legal guardian.

    3 AnswersInsurance6 years ago
  • In which state would I file a malpractice suit against a hospital?

    If the patient's legal address is in Virginia but she had to travel to North Carolina for specialty care, and is now moving to Illinois to be with family while she dies... The hospital in question is in North Carolina. Do we hire an attorney in NC? Would we need to come back to NC if things went to court? Or even if not? What if the patient is not well enough to travel? What if the patient dies in the process? Is the lawsuit void? What if she has a legal guardian and health care power of attorney? Can this person represent her in a lawsuit after she is dead?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • What rights does a father have to his baby if it is born out of state?

    The pregnant mother of the baby suddenly disappeared from the relationship recently and gave birth to the baby in another state. She refuses to communicate with the father whatsoever and her brother has threatened him if he ever comes around. Can he file kidnapping charges? How should he go about getting into his baby's life?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • How do I transfer my daughter's benefits from one state to another?

    We have had to move to another state to be near the hospital. We probably won't be moving back as she is in hospice care now, but living with me. We can't really afford where we are living right now and want to move into subsidized housing. Her SSI and food stamps and Medicaid are all based on her previous address. How do we go about getting her benefits transferred and looking into subsidized housing? What do we do first?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance6 years ago