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Favorite Answers36%
  • About self freezing beer?

    Would someone explain to me the phenomenon of a bottle of beer that has been cooled to near freezing, but is still liquid until it has been opened, then promptly freezes.

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Another category in home and garden?

    Someone asked the question a few days ago about the possibility of changing the name of garden and landscape or creating another category for the the youngsters that are always asking about caring for their weed. I hate to think of anyone contributing to these kids ruining their health, or worse, and maybe those questions should be banned altogether. But while we're at it, how about another new category for answers only, titled "Don't have a clue, but feel compelled to answer anyway"?

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago