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  • Is it illegal for my school to have large amounts of sewage puddling outside of my dorms?

    First off, the building I am living is in the middle of a construction site. For the past few weeks, in the area directly underneath my dorm's window and right outside of my dorm's dining hall, it has smelled like rotten eggs and burning chemicals and there are puddles of liquid all over the paved area. Due to the smell and the construction in that area, I'm pretty sure that it's sewage. There is an extreme amount of it and you can smell it inside all the buildings around it.

    The housing officials have failed to notify us about what is going on. I am sick of putting my health at risk by breathing this in 24/7. There is no way for me to reasonably avoid breathing it in, since it is directly underneath my room.

  • Why are there rocks in the filters of American Spirits?

    I really want to know why, it doesn't really bother me, but I'm really curious.

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Why does the website only show two of my SAT2 scores, when more tests were taken?

    I was reviewing my UC application earlier this morning on the website.

    For testing information, it shows the three scores in the self-reported section. However, for the officially reported section, it is only showing two of the scores.

    Is this normal, since the school actually only requires two subject tests?

    I tried calling the number on the website, but I just went in circles with the automated voice on there, and was not able to speak with a real person.

    I just want to make sure that everything is correct and the universities aren't going to think I lied about taking the third subject test.

    All three subject tests were taken on the same date, so it wasn't a mistake that I made when sending scores through the College Board.

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago