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  • How valid are laws or restrictions passed by the government?

    concerning weapons control of any kind, when the Second Amendment of our Constitution reads;

    "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall Not Be Infringed"

    As I understand it, this was added to the Constitution to prevent the government from being able to infringe on our personal right to be able to protect ourselves from government oppression. This would include the registering of ammunition as well as the registration or restrictions of owning weapons.

    Thomas Jefferson said;

    "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take everything you have".

    I posted this because I'm hearing rumors of mandatory ammo registration. They can't 'take' your arms, so they will regulate the ammo. This is as much an infraction as gun control laws---they are one in the same.

    What do you think?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is this the talked about October Surprise?

    Rumor has it that on or about October 5th, timed for after the VP debate, Biden will withdraw from the race, citing 'health' as a reason and will be replaced by Hillary.

    As I said, it is only a rumor, but seems to be growing.

    If it were to in fact occur, do you think that Democrats would allow themselves to be manipulated in this manner, or would 'thinking' Democrats see it for what it would be? An unethical attempt by the campaign to cover up a mistake in Obama's judgment in picking his VP? Hillary has already said that she was not running for the #2 slot, but could it be why, after a less than glowing endorsement of Obama by Hillary, she is finally going out to try to ramp up her supporters to vote for the guy she and Biden and others in the Democratic Party have been saying for months, is not experienced enough to lead the country?

    Serious in-put only, Please.

    31 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is Biden saying he thinks Obama should have chosen Clinton as his running mate?

    Is it because he's feeling inadequate after seeing who he is up against (Palin)? Why didn't he tell Obama on day one that he felt like he wasn't the man for the job and recommend Clinton, instead of waiting until after the RNC when Governor Palin came on the scene?

    28 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did you hear Joe Biden?

    when he commanded the man in the wheelchair to "Stand up and be recognized"? Guess Joe recognized the guy but didn't recognize the wheelchair! OOPS!

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is anyone paying attention to the 6 charged in plot against US? Very interesting story.?

    The points I found most interesting were:

    they were foreign-born muslims---

    not connected to Al-Qadia or other International Terrorist groups---

    Three illegals who had lived in US for years--- two had green cards allowing them to stay in US permanently--- one US citizen (Sponsor?)

    The large range of military installations they had staked out---

    The fact that an alert citizen turned them in (Is it possible that Homeland Sec. alert sys. works?)

    They were training in NJ, where D-senators vote in favor of pro-illegal issues

    They said there were 10---they caught 6. Where are the other 4?

    10 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Is anyone paying attention to the 6 charged in plot against US? Very interesting story.?

    The points I found most interesting were:

    they were foreign-born muslims---

    not connected to Al-Qadia or other International Terrorist groups---

    Three illegals who had lived in US for years--- two had green cards allowing them to stay in US permanently--- one US citizen (Sponsor?)

    The large range of military installations they had staked out---

    The fact that an alert citizen turned them in (Is it possible that Homeland Sec. alert sys. works?)

    They were training in NJ, where D-senators vote in favor of pro-illegal issues

    They said there were 10---they caught 6. Where are the other 4?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why would the following senators voted against making English the official language of America?

    As in the SSI issue, the problem is in how our government wants to bow to the illegals. Why don't people get the difference between legal/illegal?

    List of senators:

    Akaka -D-Hi


































    What is the shame in having English as our official language? What is the official languages of Italy, Germany, France, Peru, India etc. and for that matter, what is the official language of Mexico?

    As with paving the way to put illegals into our SSI system, there seems to be a pattern developing here.

    Remember these senators next election day. I will

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why would the following senators voted against making English the official language of America?

    As in the SSI issue, the problem is in how our government wants to bow to the illegals. Why don't people get the difference between legal/illegal?

    List of senators:

    Akaka -D-Hi


































    What is the shame in having English as our official language? What is the official languages of Italy, Germany, France, Peru, India etc. and for that matter, what is the official language of Mexico?

    As with paving the way to put illegals into our SSI system, there seems to be a pattern developing here.

    Remember these senators next election day. I will

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • If Social Security is going broke, why did these senators vote to give our paid in benefits to illegal aliens?

    Al- Stevens-R

    Az- Mccain-R

    Ak- Lincoln-D Pryor-D

    Ca- Boxer-D Feinstein-D

    Co- Salazar-D

    Con- Dodd-D Lieberman-D

    Del- Biden-D Carper-D

    Fl- Martinez-R

    Hawaii- Akaka-D Inouye-D

    Ill- Durbin-D Obama-D

    Ind- Bayh-D Lugar-R

    Iowa- Harkin-D

    Ka- Browback-R

    Lo- Landrieu-D

    Ml- Mikulski-D Sarbanes-D

    Mass- Kennedy- D Kerry-D

    Mt- Baucus-D

    Neb- Hagel-R

    Nv- Reid-D

    NJ- Lautenberg-D Menendez-D

    NM- Bingaman-D

    NY- Clinton-D Schumer-D

    ND- Dorgan-D

    Oh- DeWine-R Voinovich-R

    Or- Wyden-D

    Pen- Specter-R

    RI- Chafee-R Reed-D

    SC- Graham-R

    SD- Johnson-D

    Vt- Jeffords-I Leahy-D

    Wa- Cantwell-D Murray-D

    WV- Rockefeller-D, by not voting

    Wi- Feingold-D Kohl-D

    Do they want our paid in benefits to become "World Wide Welfare?" Isn't supporting Illegals with tax dollars enough for them?

    Call your senators--- remember them on voting day! I know I will.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • If Social Security is going broke, why did these senators vote to give our paid in benefits to illegal aliens?

    Al- Stevens-R

    Az- Mccain-R

    Ak- Lincoln-D Pryor-D

    Ca- Boxer-D Feinstein-D

    Co- Salazar-D

    Con- Dodd-D Lieberman-D

    Del- Biden-D Carper-D

    Fl- Martinez-R

    Hawaii- Akaka-D Inouye-D

    Ill- Durbin-D Obama-D

    Ind- Bayh-D Lugar-R

    Iowa- Harkin-D

    Ka- Browback-R

    Lo- Landrieu-D

    Ml- Mikulski-D Sarbanes-D

    Mass- Kennedy- D Kerry-D

    Mt- Baucus-D

    Neb- Hagel-R

    Nv- Reid-D

    NJ- Lautenberg-D Menendez-D

    NM- Bingaman-D

    NY- Clinton-D Schumer-D

    ND- Dorgan-D

    Oh- DeWine-R Voinovich-R

    Or- Wyden-D

    Pen- Specter-R

    RI- Chafee-R Reed-D

    SC- Graham-R

    SD- Johnson-D

    Vt- Jeffords-I Leahy-D

    Wa- Cantwell-D Murray-D

    WV- Rockefeller-D, by not voting

    Wi- Feingold-D Kohl-D

    Do they want our paid in benefits to become "World Wide Welfare?" Isn't supporting Illegals with tax dollars enough for them?

    Call your senators--- remember them on voting day! I know I will.

    14 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Social Security is going broke? Then why did these senators vote to give illegal aliens our SS benefits?

    Ala- Stevens-R

    Arz- McCain-R

    Ark- Lincoln-D Pryor-D

    Ca- Boxer-D Feinstein-D

    Co- Salazar-D

    Conn- Dodd-D Lieberman-D

    Del- Biden-D Carper-D

    Fl- Martonez-R

    Hawaii- Akaka-D Inouye-D

    Ill- Durbin-D Obama-D

    Ind- Bayh-D Lugar-R

    Iowa- Harkin-D

    Ka- Brownback-R

    Lou- Landrieu-D

    ML- Mikulski-D Sarbanes-D

    Mass- Kennedy-D Kerry-D

    Mon- Baucus-D

    Neb- Hagel-R

    Nv- Reid-D

    NJ- Lautenberg-D Menendez-D

    NM- Bingaman-D

    NY- Clinton-D Schumer-D

    ND- Dorgan-D

    Oh- DeWine-R Dorgan-D

    Or- Wyden-D

    Pen- Specter-R

    RI- Chafee-R Reed-D

    S C- Graham-R

    SD- Johnson-D

    Vt- Jeffords-I Leahy-D

    Wa- Cantwell-D Murray-D

    WV- Rockefeller-D (by not voting)

    Wis- Feingold-D Kohl-D

    Is our Social Security going to become the "World Wide Welfare System"?

    Contact your senator--- remember them on voting day!! I will

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • For Dems. and Reps.--- When referring to our response to terrorism?

    Who said:-----------------------------------------------------------------------

    "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of freedom".


    "We will not waver; We will not tire; we will not falter; and we will not fail. Peace and freedom will prevail"


    The first was said by President John F. Kennedy, (Democrat)

    in 1961.

    The second was said by President George W. Bush (Republican) in 2001

    God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America!!!

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Humor in truth? or truth in humor?

    Hillary goes to a school to talk about the 08 election. She offers question time. a boy raises his hand.

    "I'm Kenneth. I have 3 questions.

    1- what happened to your health care plan?

    2- why run for President after your

    husband shamed the office?

    3- what happened to the things you took

    when you left the White House?"

    Just then the bell rang for recess. When they return, Hillary asks for more questions. A different boy raises his hand.

    "I'm Larry. I have 5 questions.

    1- what happened to your health care plan?

    2- why run for President after your

    husband shamed the office?

    3- what happened to the things you took

    when you left the White House?

    4- why did the recess bell ring 20 min.


    5- what happened to Kenneth?"

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Hillary has been so busy campaigning for months already?

    With the elections so far away, shouldn't she be concentrating more on the job she was elected to do? Makes it look like her critics were right from the get-go. She had her eye on the presidents spot and the "Senator of New York" thing was just a stepping stone. I think New Yorker's got DUPED!

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Hillary has been so busy campaigning for months already.?

    With the elections so far away, shouldn't she be concentrating more on the job she was elected to do? Makes it look like her critics were right from the get-go. She had her eye on the presidents spot and the "Senator of New York" thing was just a stepping stone. I think New Yorker's got DUPED!

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why can't I send or receive emails from of my contacts in my address book?

    When I write my email then put in address (or addresses) some go through and some won't. Even when I am sending to only one person I get a failure notice. Saome go through just fine. Have checked to make sue addresses are correct. Also, they can't send emails to me--same results. Will not send to more than one contact at a time either.

    1 AnswerCalendar and Contacts1 decade ago
  • Democrats? If Nancy Palosi was running for president, would you vote for her"?

    Do you realize that by voting only for a party instead of people, that if something were to happen to the president and vice president, she would be the president? Is that as scary to you as it is to me?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago