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Lv 741,030 points

Any Key! Push Me

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Living and playing in Tampa Florida.

  • Wiring replacement fuel pump 97 GTP?

    Need some info for a replacement fuel pump for a 1997 Grand Prix GTP supercharged. I put in a new fuel pump/sending unit. From the car the wires are BLK, purple, orange, BLK white stripe. I'm not at vehicle so the orange wire may be a different color. SO - The new wiring harness has wires in this order - BLK, Purple, Orange, BLK.; I hooked the purple and orange wires per color. Then the black next to the purple and the black white stripe next to the Orange. CHALLENGE is this hook up gives a working pump but no gauge. So I switched the black wires. No Pump and gauge goes to past full. Is there a wiring diagram I can have or any Mechs with knowledge? Thanks...

    1 AnswerPontiac9 years ago
  • depression and Parkinsons?

    Why does your environment make a difference? When I go to my doctors I am fine as far as really depressed. When I get near time to go home I begin to get angry and withdraw. Short reasons - I am not allowed to : Cook in her kitchen or rearrange it for my disability that will continue to get worse. I had to close a profitable resale and shipping store for auction items. Why? Family wont talk to me.

    I cant have a shop in the garage because it gets in her way. I had to fight like hell to finally hang up only 4 of my many military awards and medals. Almost no pics of me in the house. I cant have my own dog. Yet wife has 2 dogs and 4 cats. Cant mess in her yard and flower beds. Cant work on my small inventions that have solved problems around the house and yard. Not her or kids will do anything with me. They loved doing things like soccer, fishing, archery, parks photography and pottery etc NOTHING. Yet the moment she goes any place she says lets go and they go. I cant work on my stamps, coins or sports cards because she ddont want them out making a mess.

    I cant do any painting unless it is in the dirty garage. Plus she cleans it up and puts it away the minute I get up. So I dont buy paints anymore. I cant move my huge TV to the end of our living room like a theater because it looks stupid and nobody likes it. Now you st about 4 feet away from the screen that is 70+ inches. So I dont go anywhere. Dont cook like I used to. Dont go out. Dont paint. Dont go to VFW anymore. Dont do woodworking. Dont have my normally large vegetable garden Gave up fishing. I just sleep while they are at school or work and stay up till 3am. Why is there not a place I can go for help besides the county nut hospital. Normally you get added to the sheriffs watch list in cse they ever get a call at about you.

    I had a great time when I had to spend a week in the hospital. I lie to my counselors now because all we do is talk and I take anti-depressants with my parkinsons meds. I feel I have to take meds because home makes me sick. I feel THEY need counselling as much as I do. So if I keep my mouth shut all is good so they think.

    My question? Where can I go to be left alone. I only need a laptop meds and food. A shack in the woods id fine because the VA will pick me up for medical appointments.

    Mental Health9 years ago
  • why no one cares around here?

    Is there a place I can go to live? I need a place because I cant take the pain anymore. Shelter for PD people or anything U may know of. 10 years coping with parkinsons and family still has no clue. Still no handrails or nonslip floor mats. Still cant cook because I cant move things around so I can reach them. NO ONE in my family will go to a parkinsons support group meeting with me. They say I need the counselling not them. Ten years later and still no help or changes around the house. I was left at home with no money when family went to dinner. BECAUSE I said I would rather spend the money on a handrail for the shower. They just said good they will fit in one car now.

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Are these names still in style for both boys and girls?

    Like one letter names :

    K or B or D or J or M or T for example.

    How about colors for names:

    Gold, Red, Violet, Pink, Black, ext..

    11 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Should I be concerned about secret life insurance?

    I have parkinsons and about two years ago my wife openly admitted to me and my psychiatrist that she was altering my anti-depressions meds. The doc said WHAT? Stop it now because thats not only illegal but dangerous. Wife said she was trying to see if she could make me less "happy" because I was to talkative and cheerful. Three days ago I accidentally found out that she just took out life insurance on me. She still has no clue that I know. How concerned do you think I should be?


    More info - When I was diagnosed with PD she told me that she has lost all faith in my abilities. Ten years later her nor my grown kids will go to a support group or family counseling meeting with me. Also I am still without some items that may help me. Like grab bars in the shower, removing small rugs I keep tripping over, moving some kitchen items around so I can still cook. No scooter yet but I can hang in there for that. I have fallen pretty good in the garage because I cant move anything without it being put back. Oh yea. I need to move the TV to the long end of our living room. Then I AND more people can actually visit and see the darn thing. I was told the TV stays. And all of my military medals and other numerous awards are molding in the garage because I am not allowed to hang them on the walls.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • What color of the rainbow scares you?

    the most painted on your walls?

    For me it is yellow. It looks as if I am living a urine sample container.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What type shoes are ?

    what type shoes are pedophiles favorite? White Vans LOL

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • US credit downgrade - What could or should be?

    a solution to this?

    Should the political leaders that we voted in to office be blamed for, what I see as greedy ambitions and saying they are looking out for the people that voted them in, or for the system having so many layers of back scratcher's that no one could save face by doing what SHOULD have been done? LIKE putting the TOTAL well being of the US ahead of personal state projects.

    I may be incorrect but from my viewpoint it looked like kids fighting till they just had no more time. No one party or group willing to stop the childish bickering even when death stares them in the face.

    Lets take a look at what so many Americans (USA) know as fact - If Mrs Jones could no longer pay for child care and was forced to stay home with her children, option? leave them home alone? NO!, NOW what? The bank takes her home and car to offset back bills. Oh no - See what I am leading to? Oh alright then. I am drawing an inference between this and the US creditors. Why cant China go to the UN or the G20(?) and demand that we turn over 1/3rd of the US to Chinese rule?

    BQ: At what point does a creditor (China for example) stop taking chances and demand payment?

    2 AnswersCredit10 years ago
  • Poll: How many people actually begin their question?

    with the words - poll or survey

    start changing your questions a little.....

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • POLL: What do you think is beyond?

    our space / universe. As far as the Hubble telescope can see. Do you think there is more?

    BQ - If more tell us what - if no tell us why U may think that?

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What is beyond what we can currently see in space?

    all around our planet as far as we can see is space. Is there more?

    13 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years ago
  • POLL: Do you have more or less than ====?

    40 stars?

    I'm not openly begging for them but I sure ..... would .........

    Oh heck yes! YES! I am BEGGING - PLEASE FORGIVE ME BUT I FEEL SO LONELY BECAUSE I ONLY HAVE 47 STARS! *wipes eyes and looks at the ground* But I guess *sniffs* I'll survive. HINT HINT.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • POLL: If you saw me sitting alone on a ...?

    park bench looking sad would you try to cheer me up?


    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • POLL: What is your favorite color for >?

    Prom tuxedos>


    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Poll: Who here has ever played -->?

    flick the bean? Did you like it?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • HAS anyone reported an earthquake in AK?

    I was just passed an email concerning Anchorage having a 5.2.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Poll: Do you know if a Pemba flying fox is ==>?

    Diurnal? why or why not.

    Easy B/A points.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • survey: I'm coming over for a first date. What ===}?

    if any, last minute things do you check or double check?

    Guys and gals can answer. It a relatively free world.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Survey: Are oysters just ugly clams?

    BQ - Would U eat one?

    *I have eaten a few.*

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago