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Favorite Answers21%
  • Should I go back to school to become a literature professor?

    I've always been attracted to literature, but veered away from that subject matter because of people's opinions that it was impractical. Now, at 27, I'm at a decent-paying, but tiresome, job and the attraction of studying and eventually teaching literature hasn't left me. My goal would be to teach in a community college or 4-year, but a community college position seems more realistic. Pursuing this dream would mean a huge investment now, a future pay cut (probably), and more stress in that I would probably have to work and go to school simultaneously. Given the competitive job market out there, my age, and my limited financial resources, should I go for it or should I just content myself with starting a book club?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Javascript Rollover Buttons: what is wrong with my coding that they don't work on my page?

    I have successfully done Javascript Rollover Buttons in the past and they are on my website, but as I'm working on a new page layout, even when I copy and paste coding that works on other pages, I can't get my buttons to operate properly. Could you take a look at my coding and tell me what needs fixed? Thanks. The page I need looked at is

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How do I solve this rectangular marquee problem with photoshop?

    I do pretty well with Photoshop, but for some reason it won't let me use the rectangular marquee today. I mark my selection, but this warning always comes up: "No pixels are more than 50% selected. Selection edges won't be visible." Then my box disappears and I am back to square one. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • What kind of professional camera should I buy?

    I'm an amateur, hobby photographer Right now I I use the simple Nikon coolpix E4600, but I'd like to expand what I can do with something else. I'm looking into investing in something of better quality and more professional. I take lots of pictures of animals, so I would like something that captures quick movements well. Any suggestions?

    5 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • What free photo presentation tool would you recommend for my website?

    I would like to make a photo gallery for my website just to display some pictures, but can't decide on what to do. I want one that functions quickly without tedious waiting time. Any suggestions would be helpful.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can you help me figure out a specific CSS problem that would take me days to fix, but an expert a few minutes?

    I've gotten help here before, but none of the answers have been specific enough to help me. What I've been doing is copying the style information from and then pasting it into the page. Then I delete all of the style information from alpacas.html and replace it with this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> in between <head> and </head>. Unfortunately, this screws up the page and I'm not sure how to fix it. Perhaps some of the coding that I past into testcss.css needs to be changed and something in that is causing the problem? I really appreciate any time you can take to help me fix this.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Help using CSS style sheets?

    I am a beginner website builder, as such I have copied and pasted lots of coding. Now I am trying to use the style sheet link code to create uniformity in a subset of pages. However, I think some of the cut-and-pasted coding has prevented the link from working correctly. Can anyone look at these pages and tell me what I'm doing wrong: (this is a model webpage of what I want to have others look like. I copied and pasted the style part and put it into a css document ( Later I tested it by erasing the style part in alpacas.html and replacing it with the css link coding. However, it messed up the page completely. Can you advise me what I need to do to get this to work?


    5 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Can you help me edit the coding on my website using W3 validator?

    I ask questions on Yahoo Answers and often people will point to W3 validator to show that I have errors in my coding on each of my web pages. Even using this website, I do not fully understand how to fix the problems. One particular problem involves my sitemeter coding (which was copied and pasted into the site), but which registers as having errors. I have tried correcting things on my own, but I just end up confused. Help anyone?

    The website main page is , but I am interested in getting help for that one as well as plants.html, animals.html, people.html, and potluck.html. Thanks for your assistance.

    The hosting service I'm trying to use to solve these problems is the HTML editor with Hostmonster.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Can you answer this CSS dropdown menu question?

    My CSS dropdown menu works fine with Firefox, but in the version of IE I have installed on my computer (not the latest), the dropdown boxes are covered by the logo below it. How can I make it so the dropdown boxes supercede the things below it?

    Also, on the mainpage for some reason, the logo completely covers the menu. How do I get it to be on top of the logo. I don't mind if the logo is clipped a little.

    And the final thing: on IE, none of the links work. It opens up a blank page. How do I first, get the link to work? And second, how do I make it so, it doesn't come up in a new page or new tab?

    Thanks for your input. I appreciate your responses.

    Here's the mainpage:

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Where should I put the "home" button on my website?

    I've been working on my website and had pretty much gotten the format exactly how I wanted it when I realized that finding the home button might be confusing or inconvenient to some people (It's towards the bottom of the page.) Could you take a look at this page and suggest a place where I could put a link there without overly disrupting the style of the page?

    I'm still working on this particular page, so that's why the content doesn't match up with what it's supposed to be about.

    Any other suggestions are welcome. Some have told me that my layout is non-conventional, which I prefer, but I don't want it to be overly confusing to visitors.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How do I use CSS to control style on my webpage?

    I had been using <h1>,<h2>, etc. to enlarge font size and format my paragraphs of regular text, which I was later told is a big no-no. I was told to "use <p> for regular texts and use CSS to change the size."

    Can someone look at my webpage coding ( ) and use it to show me how to do what this person was telling me to do.

    Also, I understand the concept that CSS stylesheets are meant to make individual webpages of a website easier to manage by making them uniform in style, but what if you want to have some pages break the standard? For example, my plan is to have my mainpage as a separate style and the broader subpages a separate style and then as it gets to more specific pages, have a more uniform look.

    Do you think I should use a css dropdown menu instead of the buttons I have on the left?

    Man, I have a lot of questions....good thing people don't have to answer if they don't want to, but I appreciate it if you do.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this possible website mainpage in terms of usability and design?

    Someone else gave me lots of good advice, but I would like more opinions on the usability and design of this site. I was told that the layout could be confusing because its unorthodox. Typically, I shudder at making anything too conventional, so I wanted additional input, is it too unorthodox? Should I leave the site the way it is or change it so it is more conventional.

    Could you see green as disturbing some readers, especially those with disabilities? Do you think I should try and stick with the black-letters on white-background type of format?

    Do you think all of the stuff going on in the page is distracting?

    If you were a regular visitor to the site, would you appreciate attractiveness more or nuts and bolts primarily?

    Thanks for your opinions.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Could you check my HTML coding and answer the other questions below?

    I am beginner in web design and am dedicated to making the most sophisticated site that I can with the knowledge I have. I originally started my page with Frontpage (primarily working with the visuals) and did my layout with tables. I was told here that I should learn and work with the coding itself instead of relying on programs like Frontpage. I was also told to learn CSS rather than use tables. The following is my attempt to meet both of these requirements.

    I originally did my coding in notepad and checked its effects in a web browser. When I pasted it into my Hostmonster design program, it automatically changed up my coding, which was probably very raw. I'm guessing that it cleaned it up, but was wondering if it is ok to rely on Hostmonster this way and if it does good enough of a job that I can count on it. Also, could you tell me if you see any major flaws with the coding or layout? Also, could you suggest any advice to improve the technical, functional, or aesthetic sides of the page? And one more question: where can I go in the future to check the coding myself and how does one interpret the results?

    Thanks for reading all of this and I really appreciate your input. If you only have a short amount of time to respond, I would prefer that you answer one or two of the questions really well instead of hastily replying to all of them. Thanks again.

    Here is the site:

    The older version that I'm adapting from is currently posted as the mainpage at: .

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How do I make a small thumbnail zoom into a big image gradually when clicked?

    I like the effect that some sites have where you click on an image and the you actually see the image getting bigger on the screen. Can anyone tell me where to find the scripting or how to do it?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to approach building a technically sophisticated and up-to-date website?

    I learned HTML basics back in the late 90s and early 2000s, but haven't done much stringent web design since. However, recently I've started a website that I'd like to do a good job on. But now that coding has evolved so much I don't have a clue as to how go about this now. The more up-to-date coding looks hyper-complicated to me and I can't believe that people are telling me that I'm supposed to write coding line-by-line. I was under the impression that we had moved to a point where people designed their pages using software like Frontpage and the software does the coding automatically. However, when I did so, and asked a question on here before, I was told my coding was way too loose and that I should be writing it from scratch. I want to make a good site, but I can't make it a full time job. I got the book Web Design in a Nutshell 2nd Edition, but what I'm really hoping for is someone to give me an easier more straightforward way and perhaps explain how people go about designing these days. This may sound a little whiny and that's because it is.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Can someone provide information on how to go about building a website using the latest methods?

    I recently asked a question about correcting a flaw on my website and one respondent told me that what I was doing was way outdated (I'm using tables). I kind of figured it was, but trying to figure out modern, website design methods just seemed overwhelming to me. But that comment has motivated me to undertake this task. I'm looking for someone who can explain to me the basics of the latest methods or point me to user-friendly resources (books or websites) that can walk me through this process.

    The respondent writes: "DON'T use tables for a page layout. Went out in the 1990s when CSS came in. If you are going to use XHTML, then code to it properly."

    Another issue: I'm not coding my website myself. Instead I allow the programs I am using do that for me. Is there any program that can perfect the auto-coding of MS FrontPage and Hostmonster website builders?

    See this for reference to the previous question:;_ylt=AgzJf...

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How can I make my new Firefox-built website compatible with Internet Explorer?

    I started a website with Hostmonster a little while ago and have primarily been building it using Firefox. When I asked a friend to look at it on his Internet Explorer browser, the formatting was all off. The main logo was out of place and most strangely the text in the right-hand column only allowed one word per line making so a couple of paragraphs strings obnoxiously down the page. I have no idea where to even begin in rectifying this problem.

    Although I didn't want anyone to publicize this site at this stage in the game, it would really help if someone could give me some advice. My guess is that there is some little quick-fix to this problem that would probably have me working all afternoon. Check it out on both Firefox and IE if you can to see the vast discrepancy in formatting:

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Can anyone relate to this? Is this normal?

    I've always been an ambitious-minded person, but have great difficulty in translating my dreams for the future into action. And then I despair. I seem to go through a perpetual cycle. 75% of my time is spent thinking and worrying and trying to figure out what I want to do. During this time, I get nothing done. Finally, comes a decisive moment and I launch into action, almost manically. I accomplish some few things, but over time I come to see that what I did is meaningless in the grand scheme of things and pointless. This returns me to the phase where I have to struggle again to have any desire to do anything of value. Does anyone have any suggestions to overcome this pattern of behavior? It's all very silly. I just feel like life is slipping a way and I can't manage to do anything and it makes me sad.

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What is the best kitchen mixer according to quality and value?

    I've been looking at kitchenaide appliances. Does anyone have any recommendations? Do they come with the different pieces, like meat grinding or pasta making? Thanks for any help.

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago