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Zoloft and Breast tenderness and enlargement?
I was wondering if anyone has ever had breast enlargement or tenderness while taking zoloft. I originally thought i was pregnant but that came back negative. Just wondering.
4 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoThis is a very serious question for anyone willing to answer??
My husband had a vasectomy 8 months ago. He never went back for a check to make sure the sperm was gone. We have been having unprotected sex for 3 months now. I am 10 days away from my period and I have sore breasts, and they feel full. They have also gotten a little larger over the last two days. I am in shock and disbelief as this these are the same symptoms I had with all three of my other kids. I took three tests in the last three days and they have all been negative. I know it is too early to tell but I am really nervous and anxious. Could I be pregnant?? Has this happened to anyone else??
9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoSome thoughts on the oil leak in Lebanon??
Well not really a leak more like a flood. This is considered to be the worst ever in the Mediteranian Sea. What do you think about Isreal blowing it up? Do you think it was intentional?
2 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoQuestion about using Zoloft?
I just started taking Zoloft 25 mg last night for anger management. I was really scared to take it considering all the side effects. I was expecting to have some side effects last night or today but did not have any. Is this normal? I am not complaining but just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Should i expect some side effects tonight or in the future. also has anyone taken Zoloft for anger and did it help. I know there are other ways to help anger but for the time being this was the best option for me and especially for my kids. Thanks.
12 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoWhy is my 5 year old pooping in odd places?
I know sounds odd but he has pooped in his closet between some toys, in the bathroom behind the toilet, and just yesterday in the bottom drawer of the bathroom. He never gives a reason for doing it. He just says I don't know I just wanted to. PLEASE HELP.
22 AnswersFamily1 decade agoWhy do a lot of people not care about the environment??
I don't understand how our environment gets put on the back burner with our current administration. I have always looked at it like this trees=oxygen oxygen=breathing cut down trees=less oxygen less oxygen=less breathing. Just don't get it.
12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoplease help integral of xlnxdx from 1 to + infinite..step by step?
6 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago99 camry 4 banger, what is diagnostic code 0770?
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoWhy is Prison Break not on the Emmy list?????
I can not believe that Prison Break did not make the emmy list. I believe that it is the best show ever made for tv. It is absolutely better than 24, lost, and desperate housewives put together. Grey's anatomy doesn't compare. It is so well made and acted that you feel like you are really experiencing the whole ordeal. Anyone else feel this way. I just can't believe it.
11 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago