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Favorite Answers18%
  • Does anyone here take part in Le Trec?


    My trainer has recently suggested I try out Le Trec (Le Trek?) does anyone on here do it?

    If so what's involved? how are the competitions run? Are there set phases?

    Any info would be good - I know I could Google it, but I'm interested in people personal experiences.

    1 AnswerHorses9 years ago
  • does anyone know the name of this horsey movie?

    I saw a film on TV years ago (in the UK), I think it was a Made for TV film from Canada, It was about a young girl who loves dressage and ends up representing Canada at the Olympics, the girl may have been from a poor background, or the horse was rescued (possibly!!)... can't remember any character names!

    Did I dream this or is it a real film?? lol

    5 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • I have very weak nails?

    Hi I have bitten my nails for the last 15 years, after finally breaking the habit, my nails are really weak, you can bend them!

    I have tried using Sally Hansen Hard as Nails and it hasn't made much difference.

    I am thinking about putting false/acrylics on to stop them cracking, but will this stop them for toughening up?

    any help/suggestion will be gratefully received!

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • what type of false nails are best?

    I am a nail biter and I'm trying to stop. I have been wearing stuck on shop bought nails for the last couple of days but they are all just breaking off and lifting.

    I have an appointment with a nail technician tomorrow she does both acrylic and gel nails, I do quiet a bit of lifting and carrying in my job (so my hands get a lot of abuse!) which nails would guys suggest?

    many thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago