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Favorite Answers18%
  • Find a book: A wealthy woman owns a glass factory. She adopts the child of her husband and his lover ...?

    when they are killed in a car accident. The woman did not even know her husband was having an affair. The child does not find out she was adopted until she is an adult. The daughter has an intense rivalry with a young woman who worked for her mother but is later fired. The daughter marries an intelligent but poor man who is trying to establish his own electrical business. Her mother does not approve of the marriage.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Can you tell me the name of this song?

    It's probably a country song. The lyrics are about a guy at a party and people ask him about where his girl is. They have apparently broken up and no one knows that yet. "The first time" someone asked me where you were..... "..."The second time".. "The third time"....

    Then he looks around at everyone having a good time at the party and thinks everyone is there "but me" What is the song title and who sings it, please?

    2 AnswersCountry9 years ago
  • Can you help wild birds during a winter storm?

    We have several inches of snow on the ground and are expecting a storm that brings possibly several more inches of snow, and maybe high winds. How do birds stay safe during this weather? Is there anything I can do that would help them?

    I feed the birds regularly with wild bird food and suet cakes. We can't get out to the store and I'm running out of the seed mix. Can you suggest other foods I could give them, that I might have on hand?

    I really don't want the birds to suffer more than necessary.

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Can you give me suggestions for my mother's 80th birthday party?

    My mother's children will be coming right after Christmas for a family reunion and 80th birthday party for her. Although the visitors will be here for several days the party itself will be on one day. That's what we are looking for suggestions about. We are gathering family photos and music we listened to when we were children. Can you help us with suggestions for activities at the party? There will be about 16 adults and four children (five to 13 years) attending this event. Thanks for your suggestions.

    4 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago