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treebird asked in Food & DrinkEntertaining · 1 decade ago

Can you give me suggestions for my mother's 80th birthday party?

My mother's children will be coming right after Christmas for a family reunion and 80th birthday party for her. Although the visitors will be here for several days the party itself will be on one day. That's what we are looking for suggestions about. We are gathering family photos and music we listened to when we were children. Can you help us with suggestions for activities at the party? There will be about 16 adults and four children (five to 13 years) attending this event. Thanks for your suggestions.

4 Answers

  • bored
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How about tracking down some of her long time friends to give her a call, maybe people she has not talked to in a long time....

    You can make it a theme from the year she was born....

    Make a crap book at the party by everyone participating and putting a little something for her, like a poem, a piece of dress, some old pictures from when you were all born, past trips.. all involving her as a themed scrapbook...

    good luck!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    This is off-the-wall and will keep some of the people busy but your mom may really enjoy watching the activities as well as the results.

    And this is only a part the day, although, it could be running in the background all day.

    Go to the (book) store and look at the following 2 books to see what I mean and if you like what you see, then buy one or both.

    "The Dangerous Book for Boys"


    "The Daring Book for Girls"

    I didn't look at the girls book, but the boys book is definitely NOT dangerous.

    The boys book has fun things to do in it. It mostly tells you everything the "best informed" modern boy should know.

    Some of the things are purely intellectual and informational, but many are things you can do.

    For example, I remember there are directions on how to make an electromagnet, how to grow a crystal, make a waterball out of paper (outside), invisible writing, and hundreds of other things that man and a boy, a mom and a boy or girl or girls could make together.

    You might find a thing you and/or your brothers and sisters had done when you were kids and do them again.... "Remember when we ...."

    Frank B

  • 1 decade ago

    You could create a video montage with pictures from her life. If you are willing to have a professional video done, you can have all her kids, other relatives and close friends narrate the story of her life (and share great memories and sentiments), while the pictures display on screen. For my mom's 60th, I bought one of those digital frames that has a slideshow feature, and I had pictures of my mom through the ages on a table, where everyone could see the pictures.

    You could have a trivia game about your mother's life to see who knows her best. The game could highlight each decade of your mom's life, for a great trip down memory lane.

  • 1 decade ago

    Play some games. The gathering photos seems like fun.. Take a trip through memory lane.

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