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Lv 43,715 points

good gollum

Favorite Answers10%

..that's the thing about opinions.. everyone's got one.

  • Does anybody have a family or much enjoyed Deer Jerky recipe?

    I was recently given a lot of deer meat. I looooooove deer jerky and want to make some. I know what to do as far as the cooking goes (I'm using an oven.. 150-180 for however many hours.. a long time) I just wanted to hear some different recipe ideas!

    I found some online of course, but it's always good to have another recipe! And I haven't gotten any from anyone that sounded really excited about it! I want a great recipe!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is there a replacement for the USB ports to the 360? See below please..?

    The 360 comes with 2 USB ports. USBs kind of fit into their port with a small plastic square inside of the metal part sliding alongside the small plastic square in the port's opening. (I'm pretty sure these flat plastic pieces from inside the end of the cord and the port hold thin metal.. 'prongs'.. in place and they are what transmits data.)

    Well when unplugging the USB cord for a controller the plastic piece from the port became lodged in the end of the USB cord, and broke off inside it. We have been able to get the plastic piece out and the controller works and plugs into the other port just fine. But now one of our USB ports is broken. The Metal pieces that had been lying against the plastic piece are mashed down so there's no way that we can really put it back inside and have it line up.

    My question is is there a small box with two ports in it that you can replace? Say take the faceplate off and maybe undo a coupld screws, remove the current part that has the 2 ports, and put a new one with working ports in? Is there such a "box"? Or is it doomed? (I know there are things that can be plugged into a USB port that have a little box with 4 more USB ports in it, and we could use that.. I'd just like to replace the broken port...)

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • can you help me with my car problem?

    Ok. I've had my rear struts replaced, a new timing belt, oil changes/brake fluid and air filters kept up.

    My car has an ongoing problem, and it's gotten so bad that I cannot start it now unless I apply the brake and when I'm driving it's uncomfortable. I've been close to stranded a couple times with it. I just don't trust my car now!

    Unless I hold the brake pedal, when I turn the key the car just whirs at me like it would if the battery had gone bad. Or the starter. When it just makes that pitiful repetitive sound of trying to start. If I apply the brake it does start after a little bit of turning the key.

    When I'm finally driving the car jerks... mostly when I maintain decent speeds or try to accelerate quickly. The RMP gauge (I think it's in 1000s) will be heading up towards approx 3 or so, then suddenly drop to less than 1. It seems to catch itself quickly, and it'll go back up.. but it gets in these ruts sometimes where it'll just keep doing it repeatedly, and it's like you're sitting in a chair and someone's just shaking you all over the place.

    Could it be the fuel filter or pump or something? I don't know anything about cars.. just wanted some ideas!

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What's the one thing you absolutely HAVE to do/see/feel/eat/whatever?

    before you die? Just one random thing that you REALLY want to or have to have done in your life.

    Just curious to see different peoples' priorities and ideas.. and I'm bored. Haha!

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you say "excuse me" when passing another in the hall...?

    even if you're on opposite sides of the hallway and when you pass you can't even feel the air move from the other person and you didn't even come close to bumping into him/her?

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why are all the....?

    stereotypically abusive people always thinking people on here want to listen to their ignorant prattle?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Velvet Revolver's Libertad Album?

    What's your favorite of their new songs? I think mine is American Man.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Do you wish life was just ...?

    ..a musical?..And that people randomly would burst into song?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How much does a person normally bleed from implantation?

    Is it like a normal period amount, or just a small amount of spotting?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When will you all just learn to LET IT BE?

    When, people? Seriously?

    All the bashing between people claiming to be Athiest or Christian...

    All the people trying to blame either the straight or the lesbian/gay communities.

    Why is it so important to log into anonymity and then do nothing but cut everyone down?

    Why is it so hard for the Christians to believe that not everyone wants to have faith and not everyone thinks that they're the one true "faith"

    Why is it so hard for the Athiests to understand sometimes people want to believe in a higher power?

    Why do people cut down the gay and lesbian communities and treat them like they are making the world a worse place?

    Why do so many people that log on here do nothing but go from question to question leaving hateful answers... and why do some people do nothing but think up insulting questions... and mean them to be insulting, not because they were curious?

    argh! sorry for the vent... just a little annoyed right now. your thoughts?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How much are you looking forward to...?

    Velvet Revolver's second album and Scott Weiland's solo album and his autobiography?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know if Great Danes make really good pets?

    We're living in an apartment right now, and will be getting a house eventually. When we do we'd like to get a dog. My husband wants a lab, and I already know they make good family pets. I want a great dane. I've heard that they can be surprisingly docile inside (which would be a good thing) and that their size (other than when they lean on someone, or are playing in a yard with a really short fence) isn't a problem. Is this true? Are great danes a good pet to have?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it expensive to get one of those...?

    skinny sticks that check the oil level in a car? Mine broke off, and I want to get a new one. Also, like if I have a Ford, do I go to a Ford dealership to get it? Or could I go to any auto-parts store?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • oh my god who else thinks it's incredibly annoying...?

    when people abbreviate every single word. i mean, is it really that much harder to type "with" than "wit"?

    23 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • P.C.O.S. and Insulin Resistance?

    concerning metformin and spironolactone for insulin resistance and pcos: is there anyone that can say how long it took them to have a period after starting the meds?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago