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  • copyright on names from other books?

    me and my friend are currently writing a book, and we are HUGE Harry Potter fans, and we are the main characters in our book, and we would like to incorporate our love of HP by naming characters the same names as in the HP books, but we are not sure if we can do that.... does anyone know copyright laws on books or where to find this?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • my turtle has a white spot?

    so I have a baby Painted turtle, about 2 1/2 inches long (yes i know, they're not legal to own but I rescued him from ducks) and he has a tiny white spot on the edge of his shell you can only see it when he's dry though. there's also a smaller, though more noticeable white spot in the middle of his shell, and just on the under side, on almost the edge. most of his shell is a dark greenish/black, with little orange/red swirls around the edges. his tummy is yellow/orange. and his name is Kevin♥ the spots aren't soft or flakey or anything. could this be a fungus, or just a little discoloration?

    I use 'TetraFauna Aqua-Safe' green aquarium conditioner stuff that smells like butt in the correct amounts in his main tank and his small feeding tank, and his water is around 75 degrees, heating lamp and uv light on for most of the day

    2 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • my dog scraped or burned her nose?

    she likes to reach into the bottom of the grill where all the grease collects, and shes done this before but it wasn't this bad, about 2 inches long, its not really bleeding but it looks like it hurts, and we can't tell if its a scrape or a burn. my mom says balmex, we also have some neosporin, any other ideas?

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How fast will her hair grow back?

    I have a black lab/boarder collie mix, 10 years old, long hair, medium-ish sized, and I'm thinking about shaving her. she also has a bad back and recently pulled a tendon in her knee making it hard to walk and stand up especially, and she has epilepsy and is on potasium bromide, if that matters. the only thing is, I'm wondering how short her hair will be come winter time, and right now shes really fluffy and soft, and I'm pretty sure that after I shave her she wont be as soft. just wondering if anyone else concerns or thoughts. i live on long island by the way, its pretty hot right now, but it gets pretty cold and snowy in the winter

    3 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • anyone have silver fox brand reins?

    looking at reins online, wondering if anyone has Silver Fox brand laced reins in brown-is it regular brown or dark brown? like havana-ish color? thanx very much :) heres the link:

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • what size reins for my horse?

    hes about 16.2-16.3ish, either an Irish Sport Horse or a TB, i'm not sure, i'll post a pic, i'm not sure what size reins to buy, like in inches. can I get like a general idea? this isn't me, its the other girl that rides him and i hope that link works...

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • is my turtle dead ANSWER QUICKLY PLEASE?

    this morning he was acting a bit different- he usually hides in his little plant, but today he was casually swimmin around the surface, had his head up out of the water, i smiled cuz i thought he was finally relaxing (hes really scared of everything), but i went to school (7:30) then came home late after my play rehearsal (7:45ish) and he was floating on the top, just chillin (which he does occasionally) but i picked him up and his head and legs just dropped (usually he tries to swim away, lol) and it freaked me out so i dropped him 9from a few inches above the water) and he still didn't move... so my mom came in, we put him on his dry rock, and she was gonna put him in a plastic bag, but she thought he looked like his head was rolling a little less so were not entirely sure... he had a little white spot on the corner of his shell, that appeared one say and never changed, a few weeks ago, i feed him everyday, in his feeding tank, the lights were on all day, as they usually are, and i'm really sad now, please help :(

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Laws against eating dog in U.S.?

    so, don't go thinking I'm some kind of creepy evil dog eater, my mom asked me what i wanted for dinner and my dog was being annoying so i said we should eat her, and then i was wondering if there were any laws against eating dog, specifically your own dog, in the U.S. or N.Y. state... and I hate search engines, thanx :)

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • turtle lighting?? (20 charectors blah blah)?

    So I have all the fancy lighting for my red eared slider turtle, and I turn them both on at the same time, and they're always on if someones home. I was wondering if that was too much, I don't wanna cook the little guy. also, he has a small rock in the corner he can climb on thats above the water, but he never goes on it, i put him up there and he jumps off, the water is deep enough for him to stand and stick his head out with all 4 feet on the bottom. Do I need to make it deeper and get a better basking area? will that make him climb out on his own?

    experienced turtle people only, with lots of details and maybe some extra info!

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • my turtle dried out all day?

    so my turtle has a little island in his tank that he can climb up on but he doesn't seem to know that. so I put him up on it this morning had the light on him, and went I went to school i turned off the light, not wanting to set my house on fire, and I left him up there figuring he would just hop off like he usually does. But I got home and he was still up there. he was totally dried out, like all pale and stuff so i put him back into the water and he moved his legs around, so hes defiantly alive, but is that normal? why didn't he get down? I mean, he spent about 6 hours up there..... also he lately has had his eyes closed most of the time.... is that bad?

    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • quick horse treats with limited supplies?

    kay so i have oatmeal, honey, mapel syrup, and of course carrots, apples, lettuce and such, any ideas for quick and easy horse treats??

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • my turtle doesn't eat or dry himself?

    so i was told that turtles need to dry them selves twice a day or their shell will get all soft, he has a lil tank with a ramp going up to an island with a nice little palm tree on it, and i turn the light on for a few hours at a time, but he never walks up it, sometimes i put him up there, and he hangs out for a while, then jumps off. also, he doesn't eat. i got him yesterday (sunday the 19th) and he hasn't eaten anything, i got turtle pellets and the little dried shrimp things. hes about 1 1/2'' big, red eared slider turtle, and his tank is all plastic with and inch or so of water in it, please help!!

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • turtles and salmonela?

    So I really wanna get a pet turtle cuz theyr really freaking awesome, but my mom was like 'you have a fish!' and i was like 'but i want both, they could be friends :D' and then she pondered for a sec then she said 'turtles can give you salmonela' and i said 'only if you eat them...' and she said 'no if you even touh them' i think shes crazy cuz if you could get salmonella from touching a turtle people wouldnt keep them as pets.... help please? prove one of us prong, perferable her

    and also, some ifo on keeping turtles?? and could they live with a gold fish in the watery part of thier tank?

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • what are these bugs on me and am i going to get sick?

    okay i went in the conetquat river in the conetquat state park on long island and i got all these little tiny bugs all over my legs, i go in there all the ime, this has never happened beofre.

    there less than a millimeter big and brownish grayish color, at first i thought they wer just speks from the river but i was suspicious and they looked slightly leg-ish and then one started to move to i jumped out of the shower an called my mom, there must have been at least 20 of them and i got off as many as i could and i dont see anymore they were like brownish gray color and i had one person tell me they wer deer ticks (which i looked up-possible) and somebody told me she was possitive they were chiggers. what do i do??

    P.S. sorry, if my typing is a little messed up, im kinda freaking out and typing really fast

    2 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • when to put fish into tank?

    i just got a new fish (i named him swimmy :D) and i know your supposed to put the bag in the tank before you let them out, but iu dont know for how long, please help :D

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • will this make a good smoothie?

    kay i have apples, oranges, blueberries, plums, mango-peach juice and rainbow sherbert, any ideas? please respond fasst :D

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • fly spray dangerous to humans??? should i be concerned?

    so i bought this fly sray, its called zonk it, white bottle, blue label, yellow letters? (its in my tack box at the barn) but on the back it has a warning that says its only for use on horses and dogs, if you get it on your skin you should thoughroly wash your skin for 30 minits and if you get it on your clothes you should take them off immediatly. is this normal for fly sprays? or was this brand a bad choice......?

    14 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • what do i do with this blister?

    kay so i got this blister on the ball of my foot and it reeeaally hurts, its about the width of a dime, mayby a lil smaller, but its about as long as a quarter :P my dad said to pop it and/or soak it in salt water, my mom said to just leave it alone, please help!! this thing really hurts

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • moar questions about oiling saddles!!!!?

    do i oil the leathers? (brand new)

    do you recomend a sponge or a rag? i was told that my brand of saddle (kincade) can be really not easy to get them to absorb the oil, what do you think?

    do you know where there are any instuction videos online for oiling saddle? for free? i looked on youtube, they didnt have any that i could find

    any other helpfull tips?

    *NOTE* i dont have a bridle or a girth.... so ya

    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • kay sooooo oiling saddles, new question?

    alright, now that you've told me i can oil a saddle my self i got some questions

    1. do i oil all surfaces?

    2. what place other than a tack shop might have leather oil?

    3. how much does leather oil cost?

    4. will i have to oil it again? if so, when?

    5. any other tips?

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago