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Live out loud! Every day of my life is a true story Pisces> March 1, 69 I love my music of various genres. Some of my all time fav music is The Who, The Beatles. Later stuff includes Candlebox, Shania Twain, Gretchen Wilson. A couple of my favorite movies are AI and V is for Vendetta. Gilligans Island will forever play in my mind and I'd be willing to bet I could guess the episode first. I'm very open minded and been known to change my mind enough to not even know what I'm thinking. I like to include humor in most everything but I also believe in the truth and if I'm telling about me that is what you will hear. Btw, you can call me Wolf and once I get my first name changed it will be Zaqry Wolf so listen I'm off too serious right now. I'll add to this profile later. Don't be afraid to remind me. (not chatting really)