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  • Having Guests Pay for Food at Birthday Party?

    I am an adult and have my birthdays at a good local pizza place. I have let the guests buy there own pizzas, but now I am inviting new friends from a club I belong to. Should I pay for their food? I don't have all the money in the world.

    7 AnswersOther - Dining Out1 decade ago
  • Need Advice for Disabled?

    I know someone that is disabled. She has a person to drive her to the doctor and shopping. She does for herself with the doctor and shopping, except she cannot drive. But, the lady that has been helping her doubled her hourly rate to twenty dollars an an hour. She wants a private person to drive her places. How much do you know is the average pay for giving assitance like this? How much payment is right?

    6 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • Help for Someone For Errands for Disabled Person?

    How do you find someone that can take a nice disabled girl to the store and shopping when she needs to. She is not in a wheelchair. The lady she has been using was charging her Ten dollars an hour, but now she has doubled her rate to twenty dollars just to mainly drive her to the stores or doctor. With her limited amount of money every month she is bleeding her dry. She wants some one that is private though.

    7 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • What is Best Flowering Shrub That Lasts all Year?

    I live in the Deep South, and I am interested in what flowering shrub would last all year long. Well, at least throught the summer. I don't know about things that much. I would also consider a shrub that just has red berries on it. And, do you know how hardy they are?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Best Plant or Flowering for a Border?

    My family has had the line of our property cleared off and the old rusty fence taken out. It is so pretty with just the trees now, but it it is too open at the street. Everyone going by can see and watch us now. What is the best thing that would be pretty for a good border to help hide us? Would Wisteria or Crape Myrtle be good? Any one that knows about plants that could help us.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Rejected and Heartbroken?

    I have been told by this guy that I really liked so for a good while, that he spend a week on a trip with his girlfriend and had a Fabulous time. I feel so rejected and heartbroken now. How do you stop loving some one that you wanted so badly? I eat too many snacks now and have gained Weight. How do you meet new friends? I want to stay friends with him, but then how do you let go so tightly?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is Your Favorite Hobbie?

    I love drawing and art. And, now I am into beads and making jewelry. My mother was a great artist, so I guess I got it from her. What is your hobbie?

    10 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Poll: How do you Perceive People?

    I want to really know how you feel when you see someone that is disabled and slower. Do you treat them nice, or feel that someone, that is not as alert and slower(must be retarted). Do you think that they have feelings? Even if someone is slower doesn't mean that they are retarted. Could you be a friend to someone different, inspite of your healthy friends? How do you think about people, really?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Cell phones and cancer?...?

    I saw on the "Larry King" show tonight the widow of Johnnie Cochran with a doctor. They are questioning, "Does cell phone use Cause Cancer?" Does it cause brain cancer? Cochran used the cell phone a good bit, and died from brain cancer. I don't know, but maybe we need to not over use the cell phones. Use the land line phone when you can. I mainly just use the text messages when possible. Maybe, we need to think the next time we have a long conversation on a cell phone. What do you think?

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Who can I invite to Birthday Party?

    I am having a casual birthday party at a local pizza place with family and friends. I am aquintance with my ex-doctor through a few E-mail. I am friends with him. Would it be all right to invite him also to my birthday party? He is still studying and he may not stay here much longer. I would really like to see him again. Would it be all right and proper? I still call him Dr. so and so. What do you think?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • The new braces?

    I have a been wanting to try the new kind of braces on my teeth, that you can take out. Would it help the front teeth. Does anyone wear them and know? And, how expensive are they?

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Wound will not heal?

    I spent two days in a hospital with Cellulitis on my ankle. I had IVU antibiotics, and then pills at home. I have been back to the doctor twice and they tell me that I have no more infection, but the wound will not heal. It has been almost a month. I keep it washed and bandages changed. What should I do?

    9 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Dislocated knee?

    I fall recently and my knee popped way out of place. I am walking still with crutches, and I am taking physical therapy. I didn't have to have surgery, just have my knee popped into place. If anyone has had this, about how long will it take me to get over this? I am working hard on my exercises, but will it take a long time to get back to more normal? Will my knee cause me trouble later?

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Should I give Up?

    I really like this sweet guy that has moved away for his career. We seemed to bond and like each other so. I keep sending him notes and cards, but he is so busy. I keep waiting for him to answer.So should I wait on him to answer? Should I just let go of him, and try to meet someone new that seems to need and want me. I can't seem to forget him, and let go of him. He is smart, outgoing, so friendly and with a sense of humor. But, he is the type that can have any girl of his choice. What do I do?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should I keep after him?

    I liked this young intern that I met. Now, he has become a real doctor, and is studying in a special field,and is at another clinic in the same city that we both live. I am older than him, but we were kind of bonded like friends. I sent him a note, but got no answer. Should I still write to him, since he never answered me this summer? Should I give him one more chance. Some of my family think that I shouldn't. What do you think? I really did fall for this guy.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Disabled/Friends?

    I would like to know if any of you, when you see a disabled person in the store, or anywhere do you smile at them, or shun them? If you work or go to school with someone disabled, do you try to be friends with them, or not ever try to be friendly with them. Do you ever put yourself in their place, and ask yourself,"How would I feel to be that person?" Do you ever want to be real, true friends to anyone disabled? Please answer honestly.

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What matters in someone special?

    Professional people like doctors have some of the highest I.Q.s If you are a single girl, I would like to know if high intelligence and being a professional is what attracts you to a unmarried guy. What is the most important for you in someone. Smart, goodlooking, sense of humor, professional like a doctor, makes big bucks. I myself want someone who is compatable to me, and doesn't talk down to me. I want someone who bonds with me as a person, that makes me feel special. A person who cares about my health, and feelings. And, he doesn't have to be a doctor or have the most money, but someone who says to me "You are special to me. Will you be my girl". And he treats me with respect, and a sense of humor wouldn't hurt either.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Giving a Hallowween Party?

    I need your help. I have planned and invited a number of friends to my Halloween Party. It is just a small gathering, with clean fun. I don't want any smoking or drinking. I sent out invitations and stated this on the back. I have nice friends, but only one has RSVP. Should I send an E-mail telling that I will be having pizza, just to see if they are coming? I have already ordered cupcakes, and gotten a lot of snacks for the party. I will have pizza, but I didn't state it on the invitation. I need to know how many are coming. What do you think?

    5 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago