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I'm Tess. I'm a lesbian. ahh yeah that's it. You can add me or message me if you'd like.
How unhealthy will this be for my hair?
Hi all! In October I dyed my brown hair black with semi-permanent dye. Since then it had lightened up pretty much and I decided that I wanted to dye it red (like lightish auburn). I stupidly put the red dye over my hair without doing anything first and then with it didn't work I bought color oops and stripped my hair with that which brought it basically back to my normal color. After it dried I tried to dye it red again. Only my roots ended up red. So now I want to know if it would be really bad to try again would I have to bleach my hair? Would that be too damaging? And about how much would it be to have it done at a salon? I have long thick hair.
4 AnswersHair9 years agoiPhone/AT&T plans and stuff?
Someone gave me an older iPhone (iPhone 2G). I currently have a little flip phone from TracFone. I'm going to be going on someone else's AT&T plan, which will only cost me $20/month for unlimited talk/text. My question is, would I be able to put that plan on the iPhone? Would it cost more per month? Also, the iPhone needs a SIM card. Is that expensive?? I know nothing about any of this! HELP!
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years agoHow do I put the fingerboard back on my violin?
I have a violin whose fingerboard came off (well actually someone gave it to me; I got it with the fingerboard off). I took the old glue off with a razor blade. The surface looks and feels smooth. I also got the right glue for it. When I put the fingerboard on, there is a small gap. It is small, but it's definitely not flush with the wood. I know the glue that one uses won't hold the fingerboard down because it's not that kind of glue. I don't want to glue it until everything looks seamless (the violin I have that's together has absolutely no gap). What should I do? I'm guessing the fingerboard got a little warped. Can I somehow straighten it out? Maybe clamp it gently to something to slowly get it straight again? Or is this something I should leave to a violin fixer? It's not an expensive violin.
2 AnswersClassical10 years agoWhat is the name of the original of this painting?
I found this picture online where someone put famous peoples' faces in paintings. I want to know what the original is of this one ---->
1 AnswerPainting1 decade agoWhat are the best Social Work Schools in the USA for LGBTQ issues?
I want to become a Gender Therapist (someone who works with transsexual people) and also LGB people. I am planning on getting a Bachelors in Social Work and then Masters Social Work. What schools offer programs (BS or MSW) that are geared towards those issues?
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoI'm looking for a certain FPS app for an iPod Touch?
My brother is looking for a FPS app for his iPod touch. He forgot the name of it, so I was hoping someone might know. It has terrorists in it and MIGHT have a player named Donner. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoFacebook movie (NOT Social Network)?
I just saw Inception (which I thought was very good) and before the movie they had a preview about a guy and a gal who met and talked through Facebook. It was documentary style and it looked normal until the end when it got weird. I want to know what it was called or what it was. I can't find anything on it. Anyone know? I think the girl's name was Megan.
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoHow do I download an audio file from a pop-up?
I want to download an audio file from a pop-up window from here:
How do I do that? I can't get a link that will help me download it. Help!
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoBed sheet etiquette for guest?
I'm staying at someone's house for the weekend to take care of their dogs (she's paying me) and I'll be sleeping in the guest room. My question is, when I leave, do I strip the bed? Just make it? Any help would be appreciated.
8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoQuestion about therapy/therapists?
I'm trying to to figure out what to major in in school, and one of the things I have thought of becoming was someone who would be like a therapist to anyone struggling with their identity (gender-wise, I mean) and who would be able to give an "okay" to start hormone treatment. DOes anyone have any idea what kind of therapist that would be, and what kind of degree I'd need? If anyone has any experience with this (either as a therapist or as the person seeking therapy/hormone treatment) I'd love to hear about it.
Thank you!
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoHelp identifying pieces in Amadeus?
Could anyone help me identify the pieces played during different scenes? I have a whole list, so whatever you can help me with would be great!
What was the Opera Salieri was remembering at the very beginning when he first starts talking to the priest?
At the beginning, when Salieri was talking to the priest in the, and he remembers going to church as a boy and listening to the chorus, what was the chorus singing?
Which opera was Salieri's student in, the one where her mother fainted when she spoke to the Emperor?
Which piece was played when Mozart was getting married?
What piece was being played when Stanzi goes to Salieri's house and starts undressing?
What piece was being played when Mozart's father shows up in the cape at Mozart's house? I'm assuming it's one of the same ones shown at the end for the opera.
Which piece was being played for the masquerade?
Which Bach piece was played for the penalty at the masquerade?
Which Salieri piece did Mozart mock at the Masquerade?
Which piece was played when Mozart's father died? Which Act was being played when they say Mozart's madness began?
Which piece was being played when they showed Mozart writing while Salieri was buying the cloak and the mask?
What was the court that they play with the horse was in?
Which piece was being played when Mozart is writing, and the man from the theatre knocks and the door and he doesn't hear anything until Stanzi calls his name?
Which piece is being played toward the end when Mozart is really drunk and staggering home to find Stanzi and his son gone?
Which Opera did they show when Mozart was talking to Stanzi's mother and she was saying "selfish"?
What was being played when Mozart fainted?
Which piece was being played when Mozart died? And when he is being wheeled out?
Anything you can answer would be very helpful! They're all pretty much in order of when they appeared in the film.
3 AnswersClassical1 decade agoquestions about a t-mobile plan?
Okay I have a bunch of questions about a T-Mobile cell phone plan. Even if you can't answer all I'd be really happy if you answered what you know!
So my sister wants a cell phone for her birthday (no one in my house has one so we don't know anything about plans and stuff lol), and she'd mostly text and only talk once in a while, so I found a plan we liked with T-Mobile (Even More Plus 500 Talk + Text)
okay now for my questions...
1. do we need to buy a certain phone for that plan?
2. how do we pay them every month? Do we just go into a store and pay or do they want a card/account #?
3. If so do they bill every month unless you cancel or do you have to pay every month yourself?
4. What about extra fees? I know there's an activation fee (how much? it's hard to find on the web-site lol).
5. Are there any extra fees every month (besides the initial activation fee)?
6. What about T-Mobile itself? Is it good? I heard complaints about it a few months ago.
Thank you so much!!
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoGay woman coming to US?
Alright so, I have a friend who lives in Holland. She's a woman. She wants to move to USA and become a citizen and live with her girlfriend. They're both lesbian. As far as what I've read, even if they got married they it wouldn't help since gay marriage is a state by state thing, not a federal thing. So her GF here couldn't sponsor her because they're both women. Correct me if I'm wrong. So basically, what would be the best way for her to go about getting a green card? By the way, her GF lives in NY. I know NY doesn't allow gay marriage but they recognize it. I read that jobs help... how would she go about converting her degree? I need all the information I can get and it's so overwhelming I don't even know where to look. Thank you all so much!!
12 AnswersImmigration1 decade agoBrandi Carlile in concert?
Do any of you know/like Brandi Carlile? My friend introduced her to me and I like her now and I'm going to see her in October. I just wanted to know what her fanbase is like. I'm asking this here because I know she's lesbian and I'm guessing she has a mostly lesbian fanbase.
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoDo lesbians fall for mostly straight women?
Alright so I've only fallen for one woman ever. And she's straight. So what can you all tell me? Will I fall for a lot of straight women? Now because it's a pattern, but because the chances are lower that a woman I'd fall for would be lesbian, unless I only hang out with lesbian women. So what have you found? Do you fall for a lot of straight women?
9 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoWhy does it seem like a lot of gay people fall for their best friend?
It seems like it's mostly girls. So why do you think that is? Is it because you're close and then you start feeling even closer?
15 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoDutch degree in the US?
My friend has a degree from Holland. I was wondering what she would be able to do with it in the USA (NY to be exact). The Dutch title is Sociaal Pedagogisch Werker 3 which translates to Social Pedagogical Worker (something like that). So anyone have any information? She'd want to be in the US for one year and would need a job and wants to know what she could so with that degree. She'd have to get a one year work visa then? Any information would be helpful. Thank you!
1 AnswerStudying Abroad1 decade agoOpinions please. Thank you :)?
Ok I'm bored so I'm going to ask this. I'm an 18 year old girl. A few months ago I fell for a woman (my Mum's age AND married!) the first time I saw her. Before her, I thought I was straight (well, I had my doubts) and after a few weeks of meeting her, I came out to most of the people I know. So here are my questions: first, how many of you think it's possible to fall for a woman over 20 years older the first time you see her? It's not like she's stunning or anything, so it wasn't like "wow look at her". And for the bigger question: she knows I'm bi/lesbian (I'm not sure yet) but she doesn't know it's HER. We've spent time together. just her and I, so sometimes I feel like I'm lying to her by not telling her. What do you think?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoIs The Shack really fiction?
Okay I'm a little confused here... they say the book The Shack by William Young is fiction, yet at the beginning he makes a forward about his friend and how he's writing down his friend's experiences, so that makes it sound like it's a true story, not fiction. So what exactly is it? Did he make up the part about his friend?
Thank you!
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade agoWhat kind of wood handles the elements well?
I am making a design for the yard out of wood and am wondering what kind of wood would be best to use... It has to handle sun, water, wind, etc. I don't mind putting a protectant on it, but would still like the best wood so I know it will last a while without starting to look shabby or warped. Thank you!
7 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago