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Does Ontario have any Japanese Language camps? Camping...?
1 AnswerCamping8 years agoQuestion for Japanese grammar.?
I still have a problem for 2 verbs in one sentence in Japanese...
I want to say: When did you start to play soccer?
Would it be:
Itsu sakaa wa shita ga hajimatta no?
Please tell me how to put 2 sentences into one sentence.
3 AnswersLanguages8 years agocan na no ni in Japanese mean 'yet?'?
Na no ni Kira-san ga dai kirai desu=Yet, I still hate Kira-san.
4 AnswersLanguages8 years agoWhat Japanese Games can I get for my Nintendo DS?
I have a Nintendo DS and what games can I buy for my DS that help you learn Japanese?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years agoDoes Mori no Ike allow Canadians?
I live in Canada and wanna go to this Japanese camp in Minnesota, can people from Canada go?
2 AnswersOther - Canada8 years agoHow do you fit 2 negative Japanese verbs in a Japanese sentence?
The title says it all.
I couldn't eat the chicken and I couldn't read the newspaper.
1 AnswerJapan8 years agoWhat are Female/Male/Children roles in Portugal?
I don't know much about the country, but what are some of the rules females have, males and children?
3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years agoMy friend asked me 'why are disabled kids in our high school?'?
My friend asked me that at lunch this afternoon because at my school we have roughly six rooms dedicated to kids in wheel chairs and kids that can't function properly (so don't attend ordinary classes) my friend thinks they should be in a different school designed for special needs kids since the teachers take them around the halls and buy stuff like bikes for them and they ride it in hallway.
She told me that she personally thought they should build a special building for special needs kids. Here were her reasons:
-The helpers bring them up during class time (also,some of them moan, I'm not agreeing with her though).
-They buy stuff like bikes and smart boards for them.
-It's basically a baby sitting service.
What's your opinion?
3 AnswersFriends8 years agoEru/Iru and tte or te form the last part of the te form? Help A.S.A.P?
In a 'te' form conjugation, I've always wondered when do you add 'tte' to a verb and 'te' to verbs ending in others letters +u. How which one do you know how to use?
Also, there's iru/eru and there's taberu and kaeru. Why is kaeru considered a u verb while taberu is ru? I'm confused
1 AnswerJapan8 years agoConfused on Japanese conjugations?
I know the te form but a book of mine here says if it ends in 'gu' add ida.
But my teacher for Japanese never mentioned that and for any other letter + u she said add te or tte. Which one do I use?
Also, compairing taberu and kaeru, kaeru is a u verb while taberu is a ru can you tell the difference?
I was fine a couple hours ago then a book made me confused :(
2 AnswersLanguages8 years agoWhy is Youtube doing this?
I'm trying to upload a video which is an AVI file...but the numbers start jumping around like crazy minutes wise.
Like first:
5 minutes then 25 minutes then 23 minutes and so I need to convert the file?
1 AnswerYouTube8 years agoWhy is 'no' in this Japanese sentence?
kare wa motto takusan no pen o motte imasu.
He has more pens.
But why is the 'no' there? Is it a modifier?
No google translation please.
6 AnswersLanguages8 years agoIn Japanese, is the last verb always in the past tense?
In a Japanese sentence, if there's more than 1 verb in a sentence does it mean the last verb is in past tense or is it left alone.
Such as:
At home, I ate breakfast then went to school.
うちで, わたしはあさごはんをたべて, がっこうにいきました
1 AnswerLanguages8 years agoMy Dad's Really Pissing Me Off....?
Early, he asked me to get onions for him when my mom was near the computer and I went to get the whole bin for him.
When I came up, he was pissed and he's like "I asked for two, not the whole bin."
I didn't hear him since my mom was talking with me :/ also, sometimes I'm scared he's gunna slap me or something since he said "I should start slapping you upside the head like my dad did" a couple weeks ago...I don't think he meant it.
He calls my brother and I useless at times which I hate, so does my mom.
They call us useless cuz we don't do a lot of things but when I do (like the other day when I washed the dishes for my mom) she said "I'm glad you washed them, but you could have dried them and put them away." That's when I say to myself, "if you don't like it, then I won't do it!"
There are just times where I get SO pissed...
After the onion incident, he acted like nothing gets ticked at the littlest crap sometimes and I go "uuugh!"
Like a couple months (maybe 2) ago I was just teasing my brother cuz he had to do some speech thing and he spazzed at me.
He also pisses me off since at night sometimes I need to go to the bathroom a lot in case I drank too much, if I'm in the washroom like for 3 minutes he'll come near the door and say "nobody has to go to the bathroom that's like a mental problem." I dunno if that's when he's just pissed.
My parents for Christmas got me a 'low-self esteem books' I'm like "hmmm" when I opened them it say 'low self esteem can be caused by a child not reaching their parents standards" am I not reaching their standards? Or is it just them?
3 AnswersFamily8 years agoHow do you say 'I have to do/I need to' in Japanese?
How do you say something like:
I have to clean the house! do you add 'nakucha' to the end of the verb.
I need to get rid of this rat.
1 AnswerLanguages8 years agoIs cornstarch bad for treating dry skin?
Is using white cornstrach for dry skin bad for it? My friend told mr it is...
1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years agoDid my friend block my friend on Skype?
Since MSN messenger is shutting down, my friends and I got Skype.
But earlier today my friend said that a contact with both have (let's say her name is Kelly) and he said Kelly's name had a question mark by it...did she block him on Skype?
8 AnswersFriends8 years agoWhat are Bapistry Doors?
Can someone give me a good definition of what they are? In detail...
1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts8 years agoWhy won't the internet on my Opera Mini app work?
It started 3 hours ago...ish.
Now, it says 'failed to connect tointernet.'
the internet is what's wrong? The phone is a Nokia C3 by the way.
1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds8 years ago