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English is not my first language, so please ignore my spelling and grammar errors. I am a Chinese from Hong Kong that lives in Beijing. I spend most of my life in Hong Kong then I moved to Beijing a few years ago. I am retired from the political forum in Yahoo. But if you wise to ask me any question about China or politics, please email me.

  • Does any know is there a VPN (preferably a free one) that connects to a server in Hong Kong?

    Hi. I have been trying to find a VPN server that can connect my computer to an IP address in Hong Kong. However, most VPN providers that I found only offer servers in the US or Europe. Can anyone direct me to a VPN provide in Hong Kong? It will be best if the VPN offer is for free, since it will only be a one time use. Thanks!

  • Information On Summer Program At Yale University?

    I am a high school student that is interested in signing up for this summer program at Yale:

    However, I am a bit unsure since the program isn't run by Yale staff and the I can't find any additional information about this camp on other websites. But my biggest concern is that the program requires me to pay them $1,000 deposit in advance before they even accept my application (The person in charge told me that I would get a refund if I am not accepted).

    So I just want to know has anyone heard or been to this summer program? If so, is it worth the amount of money? (I am from China so if I include plane tickets it would cost me a lot of money).

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Do you think these answers should be consider as racist comments?

    Recently when I was debating with another user on Yahoo! Answers he made this fellowing comment:

    "This is the tendency of your race, that say something without any proof, data, report, news, etc."

    I personally consider this to be very rude and racist. because he is insulting my culture and all of my countryman.

    Another example is this comment that was posted 5 months ago as an answer:

    "I regard the vast majority of Chinese people that I have met as little more than savages. Those that think otherwise are NAIVE !"

    The last example was posted 1 year ago:

    "And one more thing, if China is such a great country, then why are Chinese people (like rats) clawing and struggling to get the h--- out? Hmmmm?"

    After reading something like this really unsets me a lot. The lack of compassion towards Chinese people in these comments almost made me cry.

    So, is it a violation of the community guidelines to post something like this? Is it ok for me to report them?

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What is the story of Trauma Center: New Blood?

    Does it have any connections to the first 2 games of the series (Under The Knife & Second Opinion)?

    Does any of the characters in the first 2 games such as Derek, Angie and Tyler appears in New Blood?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Will a corporate republic work in real life?

    For those who don't know, a corporate republic is a theoretical form of government that would be run primarily like a business, involving a board of directors and executives, citizens will be treated as stock holders or employees.

    Utilities, including hospitals, schools, the army, and the police force, would be privatized. The social welfare function carried out by the state is instead carried out by corporations in the form of benefits to employees.

    This theoretical form of government has always been used in works of science fiction. But do you think it will work in real life? And if this type of government is to take power, do you think it will be a good thing for the society?

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How do you think that the increasing wealth of China will affect tourism worldwide?

    As a Chinese that lives in China myself, I'm very curious about how the increasing amont of Chinese tourist is affect the tourist Industry worldwide.

    All answers are welcome as criticism is very important for developing countries like China. So please, let us know what you think.

    4 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • What do you think about Chinese tourists in your countries?

    Have you ever encountered Chinese tourists who did not behave properly in your countries?

    Can you give some examples and some suggestions for us tho improve?

    Do you think Chinese travelers are being more and more aware of their manners?

    Are we getting better?

    Have your experience with Chinese tourists changed what you think about China and Chinese people?

    13 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • Does it upset you when other users on Yahoo! Answers give you a thumb down or blocks you?

    Personally, I get the thumbs down a fair bit and I got block by at lease 10 user. It doesn't bother me most of the time as I appreciate serious criticisms and I belive debate is a good thing. Also it means that people are actually readin what I am saying. To be perfectly honest, I'd rather get a negative response than no responses at all.

    Howevery, I do get upset when other users give me the thumbs down or blocks me just because I disagree with them and they don't want other people to see my point of view. Some of them went as far as saying things like 'Stop posting your propaganda' or even 'Now that I know where you live, it's only a matter of time'.

    The ironic thing is, the same people that do this are criticizing China for censoring people when they are doing it themselves. I simply can't find a word to describe their hypocrisy.

    But of course I won't lose any sleep over being blocked. So, how do you feel about others people giving you a thumb down or blocking you?

    12 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Any good tips on making muffins?

    How can I make a strawberry and mango muffin taste good while keeping the fruit fresh with good texture and look nice at the same time?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Do anyone have any good recipes for healthy snacks?

    Hi, I am planing to make some healthy snacks for schools but I need some ideas. The recipe shouldn't be to hard to make or perpare because I don't have many cooking experience and I am not very skilled at it.

    Can anyone help me?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Can anyone help me to fill in this questionnaire about snack foods?

    Hi, I am a high school student and I have a homework to to design and ask people to fill in a questionnaire about snack foods. Can you help me?

    Here is the questionnaire:

    What is your age? 13-18 19-29 30-40 50-60

    What is your gender? M/F

    Do you have any food allergies?

    Are there any kinds of food that you can’t eat because of religious reasons?

    Do you like to eat snacks?

    Do you want your snakes to be savory or sweet?

    What do you know about healthy snacks?

    Do you like healthy snacks?

    Do you like snakes with fruits?

    Do you like your snakes to be crunchy or to be soft?

    Do you have any good recipes for healthy snacks?

    Thanks for helping. Cheers'.

    12 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What kind of Yahool! Answers personalities do you have?

    After spending almost a year here on Yahool! Answers I have seen that different people behave in very different ways. I think that everyone here on YA have a very distinct personality that makes them unique one out of each other.

    So I decided to make a personality list base on how different YA users behave here. Now before you ask, this is NOT a scientific study, it is just for fun.

    Which personality / mixture of personalities are you?

    (1) The Phantom

    The Phantom doesn't answer or ask question, doesn't vote, doesn't comment and doesn't care. He is just here to read things from others. It is like he isn't here at all.

    (2) The Brainless

    Give very short answers like "yes", "no", "You're dumb", " I hate you", "Get a life", "You suck" etc. The brainless is just brainless.

    (3) The Paranoid

    Ask questions about how WW3 will start soon and tell people to shock pile guns. It is very likey for them to evolve into a despot.

    25 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Don't you think it is too easy for someone that got suspended to get a new account?

    It's far easier and faster for abusers to make a new account than it is for people to get them removed.

    The most classic exsample is the user 'A pround American'. His first account got suspended so he got a new one ('I hate commies). After that got removed too he got a new one again ('kill a commie'). Then also got removed so he is now using his newest account 'The New American Century'.

    So what is the point of reporting or blocking someone who is abusing Yahoo! Answers?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • To all foreigners (non Chinese) that lives or lived in China: What do think about China and/or Chinese people?

    I am a Chinese myself and base on what I am seeing here on Yahoo! Answers it seems like you either love us very much or hate us in your guts(After all, why would someone spend hours posting anti-Chinese answers and question?)

    Anyway, this is a survey that I want to do and see how many of you like or dislike China/Chinese people and why. There is no right or wrong whether you love us or hate us, I am just doing this for fun.

    This is in no way a scientific survey nor is it my homework. So please don't send me e-mail telling me how telling me that it is unintelligible.

    I am doing this because I want to have some real data that we as Chinese on Yahoo! Ansers can use in the future.

    BTW, please don't post racist answers.


    6 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know why does the user 'DS' hate China & Chinese people so much?

    He put clearly in his questions and answers that he hates both China and Chinese people. You may want to take a look at them, here is the link:;_ylt=AtEYT1suS...

    As a Chinese myself I just don't understand why would someone have so much hate towards a single country and a race of people.

    The interesting thing about him is the fact that unlike other hatemongers, he is not some redneck living in a trailer. In fact he has lived in China for a few years and he can speak both Chinese and Japanese. He also have a degree in Psychology.

    I ones sended him an e-mail asking him the reson behind all the hate that he has againts my homeland. He resonded by sending me a very racist and offensive message.

    This is his reply:

    14 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • Why do people that insult China don't come here and see things for themselves?

    I am a Chinese myself and I live in China. Frankly, I am sick of all the "I hate China" rubbish out here on Yahoo! Answers.

    What I hate is not just what some of the lies that they are making up but how they didn't even live in China or at least do some basic research before posting their claims.

    If you live in China for a few year and you still hate us then I have nothing to say. But some of them are just staying in their homes and insulting us without even bothering to do some traveling!

    Here are some example of their idiocy:;_ylt=AtOrH...

    China isn't even a major power! Why don't people see that the great and glorious United States will never let anyone be strong?

    (So, China have the largests army in the world, a booming economic and 5000 years of history but we are still not a major power. OK....But where is the prove?)

    23 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does Yahoo! Answer made you realize just how many rude and ignorant people are our there?

    It sure did for me. At first I thought that all people are fundamentally good and most people are smart but I am not so sure now....

    For example, just because of the fact that I am a Chinese and the things I wrote are sometimes pro-China. Some user are now accusing me to be some kind of 'Chinese spin doctor' and 'government official' (Which is of couse, no true!). Some even go as far as sending me private messages to black mail me to stop posting what they think of as 'propaganda' and threaten to hurt my love ones.

    Other then that, I notice some users are posting questions that are so simple that you can get the answer using google in under a minute. But for some unknown reson they just don't both to do so. And ofcouse there are people that post answers that are at lease 1000 miles away from the truth. Yet they seem to really belive they are right!

    So are people fundamentally bad or is it just a small amont that are bad?

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Please help me ,I am having a major problem on Yahoo! Answers!?

    Ok, for some unknow reson everytime I try and read a question on Answers the computer will just go mad and shut itself down. I can still post questions but I can't answer or read the ones for other people.

    I don't have any problems with other website, they are all working well. It seem that Yahoo! Answers is the only site that have this problem.

    Is it a bug or is it the problem of my computer? Can anyone please help me? I don't want to quit Yahoo! Answer!

    P.S. Here are some information about my computer:

    iBook G4

    Mac OS X

    Version 10.4.9

    Processor: 1.33 GHz PowerPC G4

    And one last thing, I live in China so does any other people in China have this problem or is it just me?


    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago